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discussed the Home Depot project, the Commission was told that it couldn't tell truckers <br />that they had to take a certain route to get there. <br />Ms. Harryman replied that the City does have truck routes and that the Pleasanton Police <br />Department cites trucks that are not on their route. <br />Commissioner Pearce recalled that Home Depot could not say that truckers could not <br />pick specific streets to get to Home Depot because otherwise Home Depot would have to <br />designate other ones as specific truck routes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that it was also mentioned that there was a State law that <br />indicated that trucks cannot be prevented from taking the shortest route. <br />Ms. Harryman noted that there is a difference between cutting through Pleasanton to get <br />elsewhere and coming into Pleasanton to drop a load in Pleasanton. <br />[Commissioner Fox stated that the noise from the airport is not discussed extensively <br />enough. She would like to include other noises such as the Dublin firing range, events <br />such as those at the Fairgrounds, and possible noise from late night business operations <br />adjacent to residential neighborhoods, such as Jack in the Box on Bernal, the Downtown, <br />and bars.] <br />[Commissioner Fox would like a policy added regarding proximity of noise businesses, <br />such as drive-through speakers, near residential neighborhoods, loading/unloading and <br />delivery of goods to businesses near and through residential neighborhoods, etc.] <br />Chair Blank commended Ms. Stern for her great work. <br />4. ADJOURNMENT <br />Chair Blank adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 8:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully, <br />DONNA DECKER <br />Secretary <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 18 of 18 <br />