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Commissioner O'Connor noted that the construction guidelines would be stricter for <br />multi-family residential to be able to get it down to 45 dBA indoors. <br />Commissioner Pearce added that the shared outdoor space of multi-family units could <br />also be a contributing factor. <br />Page 11-20 <br />Chair Blank suggested that the language on the bottom of the page be changed as <br />discussed earlier. He then inquired why the dBA where residential construction should <br />not be allowed is at 65 from airplanes when residents are now complaining at 55 dBA. <br />He suggested that the dBA be lowered to 55. He indicated that guidelines should be set <br />so the City does not allow houses to be built under the flight path. <br />• Change 65 dBA to 55 dBA for residential construction close to the airport. <br />Commissioner O'Connor agreed that the language should be made stronger. He <br />indicated that there should be higher building standards for buildings that are that close to <br />the airport. <br />Goals, Policies, and Programs <br />Page 11-21 <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if 65 dBA should also be changed to 55 dBA for new <br />multi-family residential developments. Chair Blank indicated that he recommended that <br />change only where there is aircraft noise and nowhere else. <br />Commissioner Pearce indicated that she liked the boxes around the Goals and Policies <br />because they call out the statements. She inquired if this will be done for all the other <br />Elements. Ms. Stern replied that it would be done for all the Elements. She further noted <br />that staff will be re-formatting the General Plan when it comes out in its final form. <br />Page 11-22 <br />No changes. <br />Page 11-23 <br />No change. <br />Pale 11-24 <br />Commissioner Olson inquired, in reference to Program 6.1, if the City can actually limit <br />construction, delivery, and through-truck traffic. He noted that when the Commission <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 17 of 18 <br />