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[Commissioner Fox requested that "senior care facilities and senior assisted-living <br />centers" be added to this program. <br />• Add proposed language.] <br />Pa eg 9-22 <br />Chair Blank suggested that the language for wood smoke ordinance be more general to <br />include wood, odor, smoke, and particulates. He further suggested that it include a <br />strongly worded policy that all new construction have only EPA-approved wood-burning <br />fireplaces. <br />• Use more general language for wood smoke ordinance <br />• Add Policy to required all new construction to have only EPA-approved wood- <br />burning fireplaces. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that he thought the City of Pleasanton had stopped wood- <br />burning fireplaces. Ms. Harryman stated that staff routinely and consistently adds that <br />condition on projects. <br />With respect to Chair Blank's suggestion that the wood smoke language be broader, <br />Ms. Stern stated that it is worded as wood smoke ordinance because burning something <br />other than wood or charcoal is banned by BAAQMD. <br />Chair Blank stated that he wanted to make the "smoke" broader to address ashes or <br />noxious odors. Ms. Stern noted that creating an ordinance would first require making it a <br />Council Priority, and then it would have to go through the entire public process. Chair <br />Blank clarified that he did not want to create a new ordinance; he wants stronger <br />language so that this would be adopted and would not have to be added as a condition of <br />approval for each project. <br />Commissioner O'Connor suggested dropping the words "Consider adopting" in <br />Program 5.3 and use "Adopt." <br />Ms. Stern noted that "adopting" would mean a new ordinance that would again have to be <br />first a Council Priority and then undergo public process. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired if it could include "Consider adopting asecond-hand <br />smoke ordinance" under the guise of its impact on air quality and odor rather than air <br />pollution. Ms. Stern stated that the General Plan covers the public arena rather than a <br />private patio. Commissioner Pearce indicated that she was referring to public parks in <br />general Ms. Stern pointed out that if it does not fit under Air Quality, it would be under <br />Public Health. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 11 of 18 <br />