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[Commissioner Fox would like to rename "wood smoke ordinance in Program 5.3 to <br />"wood burning ordinance," add "fire pits" and "portable outdoor fire units," and consider <br />adopting setback ordinances regarding proximity of those structures/devices to adjacent <br />neighbors. <br />Add proposed language <br />Pa eg 9-23 <br />Chair Blank indicated that he would like to see technology measures broadened beyond <br />just pollution by cars. He noted that there are many other sources of pollution. Ms. Stern <br />clarified that this section specifically addresses the City taking the lead in not <br />contributing to pollution. <br />Chair Blank inquired why it is limited to the City and not something that the City should <br />encourage businesses to do as well. He inquired why it cannot use the same language as <br />Program 5.2 "Require Pleasanton residents and businesses to implement technology- <br />based air pollution reduction programs when feasible." Ms. Stern replied that the City <br />does not have regulatory power over how a private company chooses its fleet, for <br />example. <br />Chair Blank inquired if this is regulatorily binding to the City of Pleasanton. Ms. Stern <br />replied that it is more likely to be bound by its own policy than by other agencies. <br />Chair Blank stated that the City should strongly encourage businesses. Ms. Stern replied <br />that the City could provide education as well. <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that the City does not have authority over the School <br />District, which uses a lot of gas-powered equipment around sensitive receptors like <br />children. She suggested adding a program to strongly encourage the School District to <br />purchase equipment that would address this matter when it comes time to replace their <br />equipment. Ms. Stern replied that she would look into how that can be done. <br />Pa e <br />No changes. <br />Pa eg 9-25 <br />No changes. <br />Commissioner Pearce thanked Ms. Stern for using direct language that is more active <br />than passive. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 20, 2008 Page 12 of 18 <br />