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Chair Blank stated that workshops are a great idea. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired if the original Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the CC&R's <br />had any provisions regarding tennis courts or enclosed sports courts or pools. Mr. Pavan replied <br />that the PUD is silent on open or enclosed tennis courts. He noted that because it is an enclosed <br />structure, it is regarded as part of the primary structure, subject to design review requirements <br />such as floor area ratio (FAR), and setbacks requirements. He added that with respect to the use, <br />there is nothing in the PUD as well to preclude it because it is a private court specifically for <br />personal enjoyment and that of their friends. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Each Commissioner each disclosed that he/she met separately with the applicants and their <br />architect. <br />Terry Townsend, project architect, noted that the applicants, Scott and Shelly Adams, were <br />present. He thanked the Planning Commission, staff, and the neighbors for their cooperation and <br />indicated that the applicants wish to keep the process open and get everyone involved to attain <br />the best solution for everyone. He then displayed a PowerPoint presentation and pointed out the <br />location of the existing structures as well as those of the immediate neighbors, the gated Grey <br />Eagle Estates, and the Foxbrough development. <br />Mr. Townsend then summarized the existing conditions of the structure and the proposed design <br />of the project. He noted that the existing house is the original one-story ranch style home that <br />was built about 50 years ago with several additions including an indoor pool, an accessory <br />structure, and a second unit with a full kitchen. He noted that the house has been vacant for two- <br />and-a-half years and that the condition inside the building was unhealthy with a lot of water <br />damage and mold on the floor. He noted that this unhealthy situation was the determining factor <br />regarding whether to continue off of the existing structure or to have the flexibility to move the <br />structure and the proposal around. <br />Mr. Townsend then pointed to a clear, flat, undeveloped area to the south of the property that <br />they had determined to be the ideal location for the tennis court. He noted that after discussions <br />with the neighbors, this has been moved closer to the street, and about 60 story poles were <br />erected to give the neighbors different visual pictures of the impacts on their lots. 60 erected in <br />various views. He then showed different slides showing views from different angles and from <br />some of the neighbors' properties to give a sense of the massing. He indicated that the scale of <br />the proposed home is in keeping with the existing homes in the neighborhood in terms of width <br />and height. He added that to retain a heritage oak tree, the footprint of the house has been shifted <br />farther down to the south and toward the street; a view corridor to Mt. Diablo has also been kept <br />clear. <br />Mr. Townsend indicated that they are integrating as many Green points as possible into the <br />project, exceeding the minimum 50 points required by Pleasanton, in terms of construction <br />waste, framing and engineering, aggregate in the driveway, non-invasive landscape, and artificial <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 9, 2008 Page 15 of 28 <br />