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ATTACHMENT2 <br />o Produced 25,000 tear off Downtown Pleasanton Street Maps (new) designed by Gary <br />Winter. <br />o Produced 10,000 - 2009 Events Schedules. <br />o Produced two banners to promote "Shop Local." <br />o Produced a What's Up Downtown monthly calendaz of activities and events. <br />o Promoted "Downtown Pleasanton: Your Daycation Destination" summer Radio Campaign <br />with KKSF. <br />o Promoted a Late `til 8 summer shopping campaign. <br />o Promoted Downtown Pleasanton in numerous print media ads including newspapers, <br />magazines, annual guides in Pleasanton, Dublin and Livermore, the Bankhead Theater <br />program, Bay Area Mama, Hacienda Network, etc. <br />o Sponsored a $12,000 holiday advertising campaign. <br />o Continued mazketing exposure through one-on-one interactions with hotels, wineries, <br />fairgrounds, business parks and numerous companies throughout the Tri-Valley. <br />o Continued the "Follow us to Downtown Pleasanton " supertail ad for three months on a <br />WHEELS bus that rotated routes throughout the Tri-Valley. <br />o Spent $4000 to upgrade the PDA website to include the acceptance of credit cazds and <br />sales of the Downtown Pleasanton Gift Cazd. <br />^ Produced Downtown Happenings, a quarterly membership newsletter. <br />^ Produced a monthly E-News for members and a monthly Member to Member Promotions E- <br />News. <br />^ Printed A Guide to Downtown Outdoor Displays, distributed to members and available at the City <br />for new businesses. <br />^ Created educational opportunities for members including seminazs in "Small Business Mazketing" <br />and "Thriving in Today's Challenging Mazket Place." <br />^ Created opportunities for business networking with three membership mixers in April, August <br />(partnering with the Chamber of Commerce) and October. <br />• Provided opportunities for membership feedback at the annual Breakfast with the Boazd meeting <br />held August 12 at the Pleasanton Hotel. <br />^ Held the PDA Annual Meeting on January 24, 2008. The Maltese Falcon theme celebrated this <br />year's Big Read. Highlights included installation of the 2008 Board of Directors and recognition <br />of the departing directors; recognition of the 2007 quarterly NEAT award recipients: Pilates on <br />Spring, A Touch of Health, Serenity Stoneworks Fountains and Decor and Railroad Square (55 W. <br />Angela). Peter MacDonald was the recipient of the fourth annual PDA Arch Angel Awazd for <br />Outstanding Volunteer. <br />^ Continued, through the Ambassadors Committee, to serve as liaisons providing a conduit for <br />information to, and from, the membership. <br />^ Continued the Downtown Vitality Committee's service on the City's taskforce to review and <br />improve the development services process, remaining vigilant through the implementation of the <br />CSRT recommendations. <br />^ Hosted a Property Owners Luncheon on June 9 to discuss tenant mix, employee pazking and first <br />floor retail. To ensure the future of the downtown's nighttime vitality, the DVC continues to focus <br />on a Right to Do Business Ordinance and the reseazch of alternative transportation (i.e. downtown <br />trolleys). <br />^ Invested in education by attending the Responsible Hospitality Institute Conference and gained the <br />tools to plan and manage a hospitality zone recognizing that a vibrant nightlife is essential to the <br />future economic vitality of the downtown. Supported keeping Division Street open to vehiculaz <br />traffic and encouraged nighttime vitality by supporting Conditional Use Permits for Baci Cafis and <br />Oasis Grille & Wine Lounge. <br />