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Commissioners Kameny, Maas and Chairperson Kumazan requested that the City Council consider <br />requiring parental consent for minors 18 and under to solicit psychic businesses. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Sullivan, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, <br />recommending approval of Case RZ-98-06 to the City Council as set forth in Exhibit "A". <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Kameny, Maas, Roberts, Sullivan and Chairperson Kumazan <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Cooper <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. PC-98-81 was entered and approved as motioned. <br />d. PUD-98-06, Braddock and Loean <br />Application for: (1) PUD rezoning of a one-acre parcel located at 1635 Rose Avenue from <br />the A (Agriculture) zoning district to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) -MDR <br />(Medium Density Residential) zoning district; and (2) PUD development plan approval for <br />34 lots, ranging in size from 7,600 square feet to 13,400 square feet, on 13.3 acres located at <br />1635, 1777, and 1851 Rose Avenue, generally at the westerly terminus of Rose Avenue. <br />Zoning for the property is A (Agriculture) and PUD (Planned Unit Development) -MDR <br />(Medium Density Residential) District. The Planning Commission will also consider the <br />Negative Declaration prepared for the project. <br />Continued to November 10, 1998. <br />e. AP-98-14, Neil and Pat Nelson <br />Appeal of an administrative determination that the applied color and a portion of the <br />installed drainage system is not consistent with the design review approval for the house <br />currently under construction located at 8088 Bethel Lane. Zoning for the property is <br />R-1/40,000 single-family residential. <br />Mr. Iserson referenced the staff report dated October 28, 1998 and highlighted key azeas contained in the <br />report including background information, design issues, plan check issues, drainage issues, and stucco <br />color. In conclusion, Mr. Iserson stated that staffs recommendation is for the Commission to find that <br />the raised drainage ditch and applied stucco color have not satisfied the conditions of approval. Further, <br />that staff and applicant be directed to take the necessary actions to require that the drainage system be <br />modified and the home be repainted. <br />Discussion ensued relating to the addresses posted on the house, whether the property is part of the <br />Foothill Overlay District, and the design review process for the property. Mr. Iserson clarified that the <br />two addresses reflect that there is an approved second unit on the property. He stated that the property is <br />within the Foothill Road Overlay District, but as an existing lot of record, there is some flexibility in <br />conforming to its regulations. However, the Code states that such lots should meet the intent of the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 8 October 28, 1998 <br />