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PC 10/28/1998
City of Pleasanton
PC 10/28/1998
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Mike Morrison, 5581 Sonoma Drive, requested that the setback of the property be increased to 20 feet, <br />additional trees be planted on Sunol Boulevazd, a monument sign be installed, and a solid line be painted <br />in proximity to the cemetery to help alleviate traffic concerns. Further, Mr. Morrison suggested that the <br />applicant consider a combined driveway with the adjacent lotto accommodate both structures on both <br />properties. <br />Discussion ensued relating to the feasibility of combining driveways, the use of monument signs versus <br />signage in windows, acquiring an additional setback by reducing the landscaping strip, and removal of a <br />PG&E transformer to accommodate additional setback. <br />Mark Antrim readdressed the Commission and stated that the applicant considered removal of parking <br />spaces to allow exiting on to Sonoma; however, it was a costly option. Further, he stated that ownership <br />of both properties is held by several people. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Discussion ensued relating to the material to be used on the retaining walls, possible damage to roots of <br />trees due to expansion of the retaining wall, interior-noise levels being minimal, signage being placed on <br />Sunol Boulevazd, and installation of a solid line designation to indicate an acceleration lane on Sunol <br />Boulevazd. <br />Commissioner Kameny stated that the applicant has had a number of constraints imposed on his <br />property that he has addressed. Further, he stated that the building is aesthetically pleasing. He <br />expressed some concern with the minimum setback and with the ten-foot encroachment but felt it would <br />not be noticeable with the additional landscaping. He concluded by stating he would vote in favor of <br />approving the project as proposed with the additional conditions relating to landscaping . <br />Commissioner Maas commended staff for the staff report and the applicant for his cooperation in <br />addressing the concerns. Further, she stated that her concerns relating to traffic issues have been <br />adequately addressed, and that she appreciated the warehouse doors and pedestrian activities being <br />away from the public view. She stated that the project is an attractive addition to Sunol Boulevard. In <br />conclusion, Commissioner Maas requested a condition be added that the retaining wall be extended to <br />replace the existing wood wall near the Sunol Boulevazd driveway. <br />Commissioner Roberts concurred with Mr. Morrison that this business is too close to the adjoining <br />neighborhood; however, she stated that this project is attempting to be aesthetically pleasing. She stated <br />her concurrence with staffs recommendations for setbacks and expressed her desire for parking in the <br />rear of building. She spoke in favor of additional trees being planted to complement Sunol Boulevazd, <br />utilization of a monument sign, the 31 percent FAR, and using existing material for continuation of the <br />retaining wall. In conclusion, she stated she would vote in favor of approving the project. <br />Commissioner Sullivan expressed concern with traffic issues on Sunol Boulevard and expressed his <br />desire for striping to direct traffic to turn right immediately. Further, he requested the utilization of the <br />maximum amount of trees along the front and the side of the building. He stated he would like an <br />additional setback, and suggested combining parking lots and leaving in tact the two sepazate driveways <br />and the existing trees in planters to allow for an additional setback. In conclusion, he stated he would <br />- vote in support of the application if there was a condition for striping for aright-turn lane on Sunol <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 October 28, 1998 <br />
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