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Commission Kumaran asked Mr. Iserson to explain the logic behind Conditions 5 and 6. He responded <br />that those conditions are standard on every residential project based upon a recommendation made by <br />the City Council several yeazs ago. The water availability condition was initiated during the drought <br />years to advise developers that water service could be an issue, and sewer capacity has long been a <br />concern in the Valley. Mr. Higdon elaborated and stated that since some projects take many years to <br />actually obtain building permits, it is difficult during that time to predict whether the limit of sewer <br />capacity will be met. Therefore, the condition is regularly included to protect the City from lawsuits. <br />Chair Cooper asked for clazification relating to Condition No. 8. Mr. Iserson stated that staff felt it was <br />necessary to define the property lines between the pazcels. In addition, in response to a question by <br />Commissioner Sullivan, Mr. Iserson further clarified the setbacks relating to parcel 3. <br />In response to a question by Commissioner Sullivan relating to a noise study, Mr. Higdon advised him <br />that such a study was done along First Street in connection with the widening of the First Street Bridge. <br />He stated that there is some reason for concern with backyard noise levels. <br />Commissioner Sullivan also commented that the FAR for the proposed homes is slightly higher than in <br />some homes in the surrounding area. Mr. Iserson pointed out that there is a wide range of lot and house <br />sizes in the area, noting that there are both smaller and larger homes there, with the maximum FAR <br />according to the zoning being 40%. However, the average is in the 30% to 35% range. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br />Nick Stoddazd, azchitect, represented the applicant. He thanked Mr. Iserson and his staff for the <br />thorough staff report and for their continual assistance on the project. He feels that staffs input and <br />suggestions have made the outcome of the project much more attractive. <br />Commissioner Roberts commented that the gazage doors on lots 2 and 3 would be visible from the front <br />porches and asked Mr. Stoddard whether they aze standard garage doors. He advised her that they aze <br />very unusual, fancy doors with glass windows, and the style is meant to simulate the old-fashioned look <br />of the swinging garage door. In addition, Mr. Stoddazd described in detail the wrap-around porches and <br />access to the front of the homes. He also described the siding that would be used following an inquiry <br />from Commissioner Maas. <br />Chair Cooper commended Mr. Stoddard for doing a very nice job on the architectural design. However, <br />he expressed concern with air pollution from the chimneys and asked whether there is any pollution <br />control planned. Mr. Stoddard stated that no special plan has been implemented, although he will <br />comply with all current codes relating to chimney construction. <br />Isaac Rodrigues stated that he was the realtor for the previous and current owners of the property. He <br />explained the tremendous support he has received from Mr. Iserson and his staff. He stated that he and <br />the owners aze very pleased with the results and feel the project will positively benefit the City. In <br />response to a question by Chair Cooper, Mr. Rodrigues stated that the market value of the homes is <br />expected to be in the mid $400k range. <br />Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 May 27, 1998 <br />