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Commissioner Kumaran amended page 15, paragraph 2, sentence 4, to read as follows: "He also <br />commented that all the information he has heard on the health impacts of EMF due to the placement of <br />- antennas is inconclusive." <br />He further amended page 15, paragraph 2, sentence 8, to read as follows: "He suggested that all <br />companies attempt to place antennas alongside buildings, etc. and hide or disguise them." <br />Commissioner Kumaran amended page 17, to add the following sentence after the first line on the page: <br />"Commissioner Kumaran stated that he would like the record to reflect that although he supported this <br />motion, he was not in favor of amendment 4 and would like the City Council to consider the provision <br />before adopting it. He said this affects children and senior citizens who are generally the least <br />represented." <br />Commissioner Barker amended page 6, paragraph 2, sentence 3, to read as follows: "She, therefore, <br />recommended that the City codes be re-evaluated for parking requirements for high density with special <br />attention to the number of bedrooms." <br />Commissioner Barker also amended page 11, final pazagraph, sentence 1, to change "Mr." to "Ms." <br />Chair Cooper amended page 6, paragraph 7, sentence 3, to read as follows: "No designated car-wash <br />azea shall be provided; however, a hose bib would be acceptable." <br />Chair Cooper amended page 9, paragraph 7, to add the following sentence at the end of the paragraph: <br />- "Chair Cooper supported the exclusion ofnon-commercial radio amateur antennas from the ordinance." <br />Chair Cooper also amended page 15, final paragraph, sentence 5, to read as follows: "Chair Cooper also <br />commented that he does not understand the difference between a telephone line in a residential <br />neighborhood and a wireless facility in terms of being a commercial operation in a residential azea." <br />3. MEETING OPEN FOR ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE TO ADDRESS THE <br />PLANNING COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM WHICH IS NOT ALREADY ON THE <br />AGENDA <br />There were none. <br />4. REVISIONS AND OMISSIONS TO THE AGENDA <br />Jerry Iserson stated that item 6.c., PUD-83-16-8M, Don and Leslie Pickett, has been continued to the <br />April 22, 1998, meeting. He noted that there is a strong effort underway for alast-minute compromise. <br />If the compromise works out, then the application will be withdrawn. The applicant was in attendance <br />and agreed with these statements. <br />Planning Commission Page 3 April 8, 1998 <br /> <br />