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C (~; <br />was not supported. With respect to modifications to the carports, she noted that the <br />applicant had indicated that the carports were constructed in order to allow them to be <br />enclosed as garages in the future. She pointed out that adding this particular condition <br />would preclude anyone from enclosing it without modification to the PUD, which could <br />be determined to be minor by the Director of Planning and Community Development <br />unless there were related controversies or issues that would make them a major <br />modification. <br />Chair Blank noted that if someone wanted to convert his or her carport to afull-fledged <br />garage, he would like this to return to the Planning Commission because of the visual <br />impact. <br />Commissioner Fox clarified that she was not opposed to conversions but was <br />concerned about homeowners putting up temporary structures to try and enclose <br />carport space in order to hide storage. <br />Chair Blank inquired if material changes allow this flexibility, and Ms. Decker replied that <br />this would be subjective. She indicated that staff would need additional clarification in <br />terms of the kinds of limits. She noted that staff may or may not have a design review <br />process for apre-existing accessory structure that is less than ten feet in height; <br />however, if the Commission desires to restrict any modifications, including the <br />installation of lattice work, staff can provide that condition. <br />Chair Blank confirmed that someone putting up lattice would not necessarily require a <br />building permit. He therefore suggested that it be for any construction that would <br />require a building permit. <br />Ms. Harryman noted that there is already a condition that prohibits storage in the carport <br />area and that Code Enforcement Officer would monitor this. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed but indicated that someone wanting his or her carport <br />enclosed should have that option. She also agreed to have this come before the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Ms. Decker stated that the Planning Commission could consider as a condition the <br />requirement for any modifications to the carport to be reviewed as a PUD modification <br />and that the Director of Planning and Community Development would then evaluate <br />whether it is major or minor and whether or not it should be forwarded to the Planning <br />Commission. The Commission members agreed with this recommendation. <br />Commissioner Pearce amended her motion to include that language. <br />Commissioner Fox agreed with the modification. <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 23, 2008 Page 7 of 8 <br />