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~~ -~ ~~. <br />Commissioner O'Connor indicated that he likes the design plans as well but expressed <br />concern about the carports. He noted that he understands the concept of massing and <br />wanting to see through for at least two of the lots, but he believes Lot 5 needs a garage <br />as it fronts on Augustine Street. He suggested that the architecture of the existing <br />home be matched to make it more attractive. <br />Chair Blank indicated that he liked the project overall and had the same concern about <br />the carports; however, he believed the rationale seems logical and made sense. He <br />recommended that the conditions include the language suggested regarding having the <br />plans reviewed by the noise engineer to ensure the criteria are met, that the <br />Commission be provided the plans for new construction on Lots 1 and 5, and that the <br />noise and vibration from the Southern Pacific Railroad line be disclosed in the deed so <br />potential owners would know it is there. He indicated that he supported the <br />replacement of trees, stating that it has been required in every other residential <br />development. He inquired if the trees were replaced one-to-one and suggested a <br />compromise to have the developer pay into the Urban Forestry Fund the equivalent of <br />one-half the cost of the tree to be removed. <br />Commissioner Pearce moved to make the findings that the proposed application <br />is covered by CEQA Class 32, Section 15332 A-E and that the proposed PUD <br />development plan is consistent with the General Plan for the purposes of the PUD <br />Ordinance, to make the PUD findings as listed in the staff report, and to <br />recommend approval of PUD-72, subject to the conditions of approval listed in <br />Exhibit B, with the following modifications and additions: (1) Add the condition <br />regarding a cost analysis as detailed in the July 23, 2008 memo from staff; <br />(2) Include language in Condition No. 21 that the noise mitigation measures shall <br />be reviewed by a qualified acoustical professional; (3) Modify Condition No. 53 to <br />include the disclosure to prospective owners of the noise and vibration generated <br />by trains on the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks;(4) Add a condition that the <br />project developer pay to the Urban Forestry Fund an amount equivalent to one- <br />half of the estimated value of the heritage tree to be removed; (5) modify <br />Condition No. 16 to specify that all carports and garages be used solely for <br />parking and not for storage; and (8) Add a condition that the Commission be <br />provided copies of plans for all Zoning Administrator approvals for modifications <br />or new construction on Lots 1 and 5. <br />Commissioner Fox seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that she would like to see more flexibility with respect to the <br />condition that there be no modifications to carports. She stated that installing trellising <br />and vines would be acceptable. Commissioner Pearce clarified that the language <br />specify that there be no material modifications that would encourage storage. <br />Chair Blank inquired of staff how the condition could be written to accomplish trellising <br />~n.i , 'ncc nn~ rlar4ur ci iggactarl rlarifiratinn nn Lot 5 to have an enclosed garage <br />versus a carport, which was not part of the motion and which the Commission indicated <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 23, 2008 Page 6 of 8 <br />