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,- <br />approved by the California Waste Management Board. This delegation <br />shall continue until approval of thn Alameda County Integrated <br />Waste Management Plan by all necessary public agencies'specifically <br />including the California Integrated Waste Management Board pursuant <br />to ttie provisions of Public Resources Code section 40800 et seq, aS <br />those sections exist or as they may be.amended from time to time. <br />4. Public Resources Code section 40900, part of AB 9~9 <br />(Statutes of 1989, chapter 1095), became effective January 1, 1990 <br />and requires preparaCion of countywide integrated waste management <br />plans. A. purpose of this JPA is to create a city, county, special <br />district waste management authority responsible for and capable of <br />prepara~ian, adoption, revision, amendment,'administration, golicy- <br />making, budgeting, planning, implementation and enforcement of the <br />Alameda County Integrated Waste Management Plan. By thei-r <br />si.g~atures hereon, Alameda,COUnty, each city and each participating <br />sanitary district (hereinafter "Agencies") delegate to the <br />Authority the power, duty and responsibility to prepare, adopt, <br />zevi5e, amend, administer, enforce and'implement as provided Per in <br />this agreement the Alameda County Integrated Waste Management Plan <br />pursuant to Public Resources Coda section •40900 et seq. as those <br />sections exist and as they may ba amende8 from tame to time. Th1s <br />JPA shall be considered a Memorandum of IIriderstancling for the <br />purpose of the delegation from the Agencies to the Authority of the <br />power to prepare the Alameda County Integrated Waste Management <br />Plan. This JPA shall not, however, limit the ability of these <br />'Agencies to plan, administer, implement, and otherwise conduct <br />1 <br />s <br />y 'i 6bLL 'CN <br />Sbli3~31 1X3N P~a9~~~ P~007 ~» ~aa: <br />