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Y • h ~ <br />imposition of new fees, which affect rates for municipal solid <br />waste oollectioa•and disposal.. Each affected member Agency shall <br />be notified by truly 15th of the action taken, The effective date ~ <br />°f any increase shall not be earlier than the following January ' <br />1st.. 2n the event that a fee adjustment is recii:.i•ra$ on a different <br />schedule, the Authority shall obtain approval as follows:. <br />Two-thirds of•the AgenciAS which aye affected, or whose ratepayers <br />ax'0 afFeCted, by the fee must approve of such action prior to <br />implementation of a new fee.or.any increase in an existing~fea, <br />After Forty-five•claya from Authorit a <br />Y pproval of a fee~adjnstment, <br />iF any aget-cy has•'not, in writing, expressed ita disapproval, .it <br />shall be deemed that the Agency has giveii•its approval. •• <br />15.' AMEND <br />This Agreement may be amended by the. affirmative vote aF <br />'~+e governing bodies of not less than two-thirds of ali member <br />Agencies. <br />16. NO Cg , <br />All notices to Agencies shall be deemed to have been <br />given when mailed to .the governing body of each member agency, <br />•IR WITNESS WHEREOF, each Agency has executed approval o~ <br />this Agreement and tiled said approval with the Clerk of the County <br />of Alameda and said signatures era listed below or attached hereto. <br />Y <br />. zz <br />ba .d bt«~o,v G~~,~~~, ~~,~~ ..,~~.. ~._ <br />