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• franchisee. Particularly, this Joint Powers Agreement shall have <br />no effect on the rights or duties of a party to this Agreement with <br />regard to~priority i.n any landfill and/or the rights ot` any sucFi <br />party to extract recyclable materials from the Waste stream, <br />j. Facility Development <br />The Agencies agree that the Authority shall have the <br />power to plan, dev¢lop and implement Countywide or regional <br />facilities and countywide systems of subragional facilities <br />designed to complement the Agencies` S4RF`-s and to achieve the <br />goals and objectives of-~he County Integrated Waste Management <br />Plan. Tt is understood iri undertaking such facilities that those <br />which are not designed to service the entire County shall be the <br />subject of separate agreements between the Agencies concerned. In <br />general, such subregional facility agreements shall provide for <br />financial arrangements and liabilities. 'the Authority may <br />participate in such separate agreements if approved by the Beard of <br />the Authority. Costs and fees arising through ,such agreements <br />shall be specific to the Agencies participating in said agreement, ' <br />and non-participating Agencies and their rate payors shall not <br />incur costs related to the spacial'agreeinent. Fee implementation <br />._ pursuant to these special agreements shall ba •independent of and <br />not subject to.tha schedule set forth in phis Agreement Pdr lees <br />levied by the Authority. - <br />k. Pen Implementation Procedure <br />Except as provided herein, the Authority sha).1, prior to <br />July ist of each year, consider increases to current fees, ar the <br />'` 21 <br /> <br />_ El 'd 6bLL'ON ~b113A31 IXaN waoo:c ~nn~ » ~.o <br />