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Personnel who have signed up and have been approved for annual vacation will be required to <br />take that time off. Changes will not be granted once annual vacations have been selected <br />unless extenuating circumstances exist justifying such changes and subject to the Division <br />Commander's approval. <br />Personnel who participate in the Annual Vacation Sign Up will be eligible to identify vacation <br />selections on a seniority basis, but may only select up to two years accrued vacation time. <br />Requests for vacation outside the annual vacation sign up program will usually not be accepted <br />any earlier than 60 days in advance of the requested time off. The Division Manager will have <br />30 days in which to make a decision on the request. If the request is made less than 30 days <br />prior to the requested date(s) off, the Division Manager will have a reasonable time in which to <br />make the decision. <br />11.5 Vacation Pay at Termination <br />Employees shall be paid for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of <br />termination. Such compensation for earned vacation shall be paid to the employee in one lump <br />sum in a final check. <br />Section 12. Sick Leave <br />12.1 Sick Leave Accrual <br />Each full time employee shall earn sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours for each month of <br />service. <br />Effective June 1, 2008, employees may accumulate an unlimited number of sick leave hours; <br />except, however, hours accumulated in excess of one thousand four hundred and forty (1440) <br />maybe used only to apply toward additional years of retirement service credit under the current <br />PERS "Credit for Unused Sick Leave," Section 20862.8. <br />An employee maybe allowed a sick leave deficit of twenty four (24) hours beyond that actually <br />earned. Employees on leave of absence with pay in lieu of temporary disability payments <br />pursuant to Section 4850 of the Labor Code shall accumulate sick leave during said leave of <br />absence, in accordance with the provisions of this section. <br />12.2 Sick Leave Usage <br />Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all probationary and permanent full time employees <br />within the competitive service. Sick leave shall not be considered a right which an employee <br />may use in his/her discretion but shall be allowed only as follows: <br />(1) In cases of necessity and actual personal sickness or disability of the employee. <br />(2) For medical and dental appointments of the employee or employee's immediate family, at <br />the discretion of the immediate supervisor. <br />(3) For the care of or attendance upon the sickness or disability of members of his/her <br />immediate family. A maximum of forty-eight (48) hours per year of sick leave may be <br />13 <br />