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Area is more particularly described in Exhibit 3, attached <br />hereto. <br /> <br /> 2. Maintenance. Hopyard shall bear the responsi- <br />bility and expense of maintenance of the Hopyard Easement <br />Area. The Easement shall be twenty-four feet (24') in <br />width, shall be paved and shall be maintained in good con- <br />dition by Hopyard. Hopyard shall have the right to use the <br />Hopyard Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with <br />City's use thereof. <br /> <br /> 3. Duration. This Easement is perpetual and <br />shall not terminate or be extinguished by non-use or aban- <br />donment. <br /> <br /> 4. Use of Easement. City shall not build or <br />place on the Hopyard Easement Area any permanent or tempo- <br />rary above-ground structure, disturb the surface of the <br />Hopyard Easement Area, or use the Easement for any purpose <br />other than access to the Parking Facility and access to the <br />Canal Area. Use of the Hopyard Easement Area for direct <br />public vehicular access to property other than the Parking <br />Facility and Canal Area is prohibited. <br /> <br /> 5. Indemnification. City shall protect, defend, <br />indemnify and hold Hopyard harmless against any and all <br />liabilities or claims for bodily injury or property damage <br />arising out of City's negligence in its use of the Easement. <br /> <br /> 6. Liens. City shall promptly pay and discharge <br /> <br />all claims for labor performed, supplies furnished and <br /> <br /> 3. <br /> K559-26-D/31Ju186/a <br /> <br /> <br />