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EXHI81~ ~ <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDINGS - For Case GP-80-8 <br />1. Significant Effect: Inconsistency between land use pattern and other <br />land use and General Plan policies, population goal and percent multiple <br />dwelling units particularly. <br />Finding: A reevaluation of General Plan goals and policies or further <br />adjustments in land use acreages will mitigate this impact. <br />Facts: In light of these land use changes and the reduced size of <br />City households, the reevaluation of goals and policies relating to population, <br />density, residential mix policies or adjustment of land use acreages <br />elsewhere in the planning area will reduce the inconsistency in policies. <br />2. Significant Effect: Increase in traffic within existing developed City area. <br />Finding: Adoption of revisions to the Circulation Element of the General <br />Plan to reflect changing needs will reduce the impacts of increased <br />traffic in specific areas. <br />Facts: The incorporation into the Circulation Element of the General Plan <br />of recommendations resulting from the analysis of traffic in the north <br />Pleasanton area will reflect the needs of these areas. <br />3. Significant Effect: Potential loss of site for BART station near Stoneridge <br />Shopping Center. <br />Finding: Alternate BART station locations are being studied prior to any <br />specific actions on implementation policies. <br />Fact: The proposed amendment to the General Plan relating to the BART <br />route realignment is considered premature and should await the necessary <br />studies to be completed prior to any further actions. <br />4. Significant Effect: Location of park (Area 2) is located in an unacceptable <br />naise level area. <br />Finding: Adequate buffering measures incorporated at time of development <br />will mitigate noise impacts. <br />Facts: The adoption of the proposal contained within GP-81-2 will provide <br />for commercial and office uses to be located between the park location and <br />the Interstate 680 noise source. <br />5. Significant Effect: Placement of residential uses adjacent to potentially <br />noisy commercial and/or residential areas. <br />Finding: The adoption of measures to reduce such noise and land use <br />conflicts will mitigate this impact. <br />Facts: Development standards to be used during the design review process <br />for these critical areas shall include measures to buffer and/or to provide <br />compatibility between residential and adjacent commercial land uses. <br />6. Significant Effect: Circulation system changes would likely place <br />industrial traffic on streets adjoining residences- (Santa Rita Road and. <br />West Las Positas Boulevard) and create unacceptable noise levels. <br />