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BACKGROUND <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. McDowell wish to subdivide their lot near Neal <br />Street so that two houses could be constructed. On the <br />easternmost parcel, proposed Lot A, they intend to build a <br />residence. Lot B could then be either sold or a speculative <br />house could be constructed upon it. The McDowells' lot was <br />created in 1978 by a minor subdivision that divided the <br />approximately 1.5 acre lot at 431 Neal Street into three separate <br />lots ranging in size from the 33,500 sq. ft. lot on which the <br />existing "Joshua Neal" house sits to the 15,510.sq. ft. lot that <br />the McDowells purchased. The third lot, east of the McDowells', <br />is approximately 16,500 sq. ft. in size. There are several other <br />large lots in the vicinity. The three lots to the west are each <br />approximately 17,000 sq. ft. in size. <br /> <br />When the land was subdivided in 1978 a variance was required to <br />allow the creation of the two smaller lots without frontage on a <br />public street. At that time it was determined that due to the <br />shape of the property it would be "impractical" to make provision <br />for a public street to serve all three lots and that the City was <br />not anxious to accept the dedication of a public street which <br />would serve only two parcels. The City was also concerned with <br />potential impacts the development of the lots would have on the <br />existing residence, a designated historical structure, and the <br />possible safety hazard from increased traffic using the common <br />driveway access which has limited sight distance to the east. <br />The Board of Adjustment decided that the development would not <br />detract from the Joshua Neal Home because the proposed lots were <br />large and would allow for large setbacks and that the traffic on <br />the driveway would be limited. Therefore, the findings were made <br />and the variance was granted. <br /> <br />The two newly created parcels were sold, but to date there has. <br />been no development of the lots. The McDowells applied for and <br />were granted a variance in 1985 to allow them to build a house <br />with a reduced front yard setback. At that time they did not <br />apply for a minor subdivision of their property. <br /> <br />CURRENT PROPOSAL <br /> <br />The proposed subdivision would yield two lots that both meet the <br />basic size requirements of the zoning district. Access to the <br />lots would be provided by the existing paved access easement. <br />This 20 ft. wide easement is located on the extreme western edge <br />of the Foust property and then curves to the east along the <br />northern edge of the McDowell property. The driveway passes very <br />near the house immediately to the west. Because of the <br />topography of Neal Street, egress from the driveway onto Neal <br />Street is somewhat hazardous. <br /> <br /> - 2 - <br /> <br /> <br />