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configured to provide an adequate line-of--sight viewing distance in both directions <br />perpendicular to the vehicle and to facilitate efficient ingress/egress to and from the <br />project site. All on-site driveways and drive aisles meet City standards for emergency <br />vehicle access and turn-around. The building will be constructed to meet the <br />requirements of the Uniform Building Code and will require approval by the State. The <br />building would also be equipped with automatic fire suppression systems (sprinklers). <br />Adequate access is provided to all structures for police, fire, and other emergency <br />vehicles. Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br />7. Whether the plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD District. <br />The proposed PUD development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district. One <br />of these purposes is to insure that the desires of the developer and the community are <br />understood and approved prior to commencement of construction. Staff believes that the <br />proposed project implements the purposes of the PUD ordinance in this case by providing <br />well-designed and sited high density project on this in-fill site, and that meets the City's <br />General Plan goals and policies, including those which encourage meeting the needs of <br />affordable housing. The PUD process allows for ample input from the public and for an <br />ultimate decision by the City Council regarding appropriateness of the proposed use. <br />Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br />In-fill development projects on sites of five acres or less that have no habitat for endangered, <br />rare, or threatened species, that can be adequately served by all required utilities and public <br />services, that are consistent with the General Plan and zoning regulations, and would have no <br />significant effects on traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality are also categorically exempt <br />(In-fill Development: 15332(32)(a-e)) from CEQA. Therefore, no other environmental <br />documentation accompanies this report. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The site is an infill site is zoned for high-density residential development. Staff believes that the <br />proposed rezoning, density and development plan are appropriate for the site. Staff believes that <br />the project is attractively designed and will be compatible with the neighborhood and <br />surrounding area. Both on- and off-site improvements will help the project visually and <br />functionally blend in with the existing neighborhood. The project, with its affordable housing <br />component, will provide a necessary service to this community. <br />Case No. PUD-71 Planning Commission <br />Page -1 S - <br />