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for the construction of the buildings and would properly transition with the topography of <br />the adjacent sites. Therefore, staff feels that the plan is compatible with the previously <br />developed properties and the natural topographic features of the site; therefore staff <br />believes that this finding can be made. <br />4. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is designed <br />in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooding to <br />have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible. <br />Grading will be limited to the building pad, driveways, and surface parking. City <br />Building Code requirements would ensure that building foundations, on-site driveways, <br />and parking areas are constructed on properly prepared surfaces. As conditioned, the <br />design of the proposed development would provide adequate drainage to prevent <br />flooding. Vegetated swales would be constructed to filter pollutants in the stormwater <br />before it enters the storm drain system. Erosion control and dust suppression measures <br />will be documented in the building permit plan sets and will be administered by the City's <br />Building and Public Works Departments. The property is not located in the Alquist- <br />Priolo Study Zone. According to the United States Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development Flood Hazard maps, no portion of the site will be affected by a 100-year <br />flood. Therefore, staff feels that the grading is designed in keeping with the best <br />engineering practices, would have a minimal effect on the environment, and that this <br />finding can be made. <br />5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the <br />natural terrain and landscape. <br />The access to the site would be from an existing public street and the building pad has <br />been designed to generally follow the site's natural contours, which will help minimize <br />the visibility and reduce the amount of grading necessary to construct the building. <br />Additionally, the design of the buildings have houses front both Vineyard Avenue and <br />Vine Street, and the landscaping islands on Vineyard Avenue to define and beautify the <br />project entrance. Therefore, staff feels that this finding can be made. <br />Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br />6. Whether adequate public safety measures haven incorporated into the design of the <br />plan. <br />The public improvements associated with this project would be consistent with City <br />design standards. As conditioned, driveway entrance/exit would be located and <br />Case No. PUD-71 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page - 14 - <br />