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SIDE OF VALLEY AVENUE AND IM- <br />MEDIATELY EASTERLY Of THE <br />RESIDENCES ALONG NOLLN <br />STREET (PUD~80~ 1). <br />WHEREAS Ne Crh Couron of <br />Kra City of Pbasanton pn January <br />21. 1980. adptM Ordinance No. <br />913 whg:h ratae0 an +opoamato- <br />h IS9~xre pN<N of tan0 bcatao on <br />tlla souM arde d Valley Avarae aM <br />arNrtadisteh easterly N de rev <br />Oencn abng NaNn $trxt ham tM <br />bP (PUnlic and MsntutbnN) QstrKt <br />ro IM PUD~IrdustrW (%aaed Unn <br />Deveopment ~ hdustrlN) DIStIKt; <br />antl <br />WHEREAS IM apdicant. pur~ <br />want to remnmq ntattlisMd q <br />Orlnaua No. 913, nos papsred s <br />Oevelpprnant den; and <br />WHEREAS. tM %annirig Can <br />mrssasn. at ns feauary 13. 1980. <br />meeting cpnsd«ed and appoved <br />cax PUD~80~1. tM appNCatron d <br />Jdm aM Joan Laraine Ia apprw' <br />al of a development den for a Wv~ <br />nos park to M MKatad m IM <br />69~acre parcel oescnMd aMve: <br />and <br />WHEREAS. IM %anang Com~ <br />missan at tM mxhng of febuary <br />13, 1980. taaA pudic tntmwny <br />and rwewM NI reports and nhA <br />its regarding Mn sppaulen. and <br />IMrean« sleeted Reflation No <br />{BIB, rxommanomg sppwal d <br />Se»bn 1. TM developrrunl den <br />as shorn n PUD~B0~1 fa a W>,~ <br />refs party to M bated on a 69 xre <br />vie an tM south sde d Vsdey Av~ <br />Mue and xnmedalehr eastwh e1 <br />orb max a pM <br />ante. A copy d <br />Battler 2. This aowue sMN <br />Necame eHxtre tbnY 130) tlaYs <br />aN« tM date d ns Imal passage <br />and wooden. <br />Saellon 3. Tbs alnaxe shall M <br />WdisMd once wtnm tenser (IS) <br />days an« ns aoption n 'THE <br />TIMES" a nersWpw of general cm <br />wlaten, pubNShW m its City « <br />Pkasantan. <br />INTRODUCED at a regulbaLL meeT <br />vy o1 tM Cih Cwrotl a1 MaCih of <br />~A~TED aatF~etu4i n eetm~g of <br />IM Gh CourKtl d tM CitY d PNas~ <br />orlon on MNCn l 1. 1980. q 1M <br />Idbwng vde' <br />AYES: Cwutlmameers Butbr. <br />Nepllarl. M«c«. Wood and Maya <br />Brandes. <br />NOES: Nprle. <br />ABSENT: Nee. <br />AITESP <br />FRANK C. BRANDES. JR., <br />MAYOR <br />Dons Cwage. Dewh Gh Cbra <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Harvey E. Levee. Gh Attorney <br />PUD-80 1 <br />CONgT10N5 Di APPROVAL <br />a DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />1. TMt tM daveloprriant sMN M <br />conshwfe0 subslaMU as iMi~ <br />alts m tM den. Ea~ <br />IWN A. M tYe wgh ells Banning Pv~ <br />ision. Said pbn conNSts d 7 fosses <br />as laNOrf: <br />1) Mast« SNt Ban: <br />1) LaMxape Mast« Ben: <br />31 Largacape Delaga: <br />n eu. rr.r.,....~.. a,..a..e.- <br />2. UP-87-z <br />OtZD~NANC.~ NO. °124 <br />ergs an0 aelMUN vte brdxapng <br />and p«Nerg sltaM reowa appwal <br />q IM 0egin Bever eo«d per to <br />nsuaued pemMS. <br />3. TMt tle <br />appapriate hank unpl devKe <br />(stp a YiaM syrl a traHK slgna0 <br />a1 tM VsNey Avenw/^A" ewe « <br />MNKten n caNuroten wM tan <br />shwten d sheN Nrlpovem«lls n <br />tM davelepnent. <br />I. TMI ada9uate viwal and x~ <br />coustic» xre«Wtg Sntl M pwd~ <br />b for He hesh irld bMmlq xeas <br />Ipr aM Wgtlirys on Lds 8 Mrpuglr <br />13. 21 NrauBn 25 and 11. and <br />xre«eng mwwren shall tr con. <br />ad«M dunng desgn ratan of <br />IMx shuctwM. <br />5. TMI tMe fluty M sane Npe <br />d unneeded vNeeubr nuns M~ <br />Iwean E Covet aM 1M ronM.eztsn <br />accommoda4 <br />6. TMI mare M xuss to tM <br />wnixt sne far pudic xNry vMr <br />cos na "Ciry Strxt" at ap limas. <br />]. TMt parkin8 reouvements <br />sooty M dN«mmed on a cax q <br />cax Mvs at Hse lime of dnlgn rt <br />ver <br />8. Tnat p«mmetl aM cordilroro <br />aey albred uses M tM sugact <br />peperls' SIIaN M as roaors: <br />upn NreaW1N Maas <br />A. Ap aduatrW uses, xtwtin <br />and pxnsn aaored w 5«tion <br />17.10 (1) (psmlmed uxs. I~P Ps~ <br />hicU. A»ias 9. CMp« 2. Tits II of <br />ms Ordinance Cade o1 the Cih of <br />Pbasanlan. <br />B. IMustrW wppa.t and servv:e <br />Ixltes ro aKbh xtivnias IarMea <br />to tM srxvbalg d Wsaesfss b tM <br />C 6 5 BueiMSS Party a feinting of <br />ppdwls prdwed on tM sne, such <br />as: repair Nd rrMmtenance d p~ <br />pNancn a r nt pxts: tod~ <br />n8: pint«a: tesMg slips: smaY <br />mxnxe shops: Nc. <br />C. Accnsory uses and strwturn <br />wMn rablM ro and ncdantal to a <br />Nwed uw: <br />1. WsrNeusng (rot iroluding <br />tM staa8e «rsdbactise matsnah <br />a IuN a Ibmmsnla id). <br />s rtn ergo m can <br />shutter an0 Wilding trade. <br />3. Acrnsay slrwturn and uses <br />bated an tM xme site as a condo <br />tonal ux. <br />IIa181tNarlmae aM <br />SuaP«I CemrerclN Uxe <br />A. Coffee sop. restaurant. aA <br />catnsen, ale. <br />B. Usp« supdy seance. <br />C. LauMry dents. <br />D. WMbfab drY cbarer. <br />E. Branch Mnk and/a savings <br />and ban. <br />f Goss replxemant aM repaK <br />shop. <br />G. ScenMic nstrument stops. <br />N. Luksraths. <br />I. TravN agances. <br />1. Barbrshopa. <br />B. VNereen Ilosdtals a vat«r <br />mums aNkn. <br />L Blue prwlwg. pmintanng. <br />data anpavwg. wdi»Ing aM <br />mwdrdwg. <br />M. ONae supply antl Wsmns <br />IIeCMM Starts. <br />N. TM 1a8owm8 condnaaeq N~ <br />owed uses: <br />1. Day c«e teen«s. <br />2. Gymnasmms antl Realty <br />clubs. <br />3. Rxreatmn and sports Ixtl: <br />tin ndoas. <br />I. Trade xlmds. <br />5. Rureanonal vebcle star <br />a8e. <br />6. Private nomcommeraal <br />cons and bdgss. <br />OeBra ura <br />A. Adrwlishanve Milpwrten <br />and eaxunve oNices. <br />B. Business offices including <br />rAaNsaNry atadisMrents wtMW <br />stack aM not aKAldwg tM rotatl <br />sale d wry unmolb on tM pam~ <br />res. <br />C. BusaeM service offices ore <br />cnidwg arripbyrrlatt agaubs, x~ <br />cwntams, notaries. stenogradac. <br />addrnsng, computwg and r»ated <br />xnncn. <br />D. Buseesa crosulbng servKe <br />oNicn. <br />E. Despi polesaron oNices. <br />f. Raxarch service oNKas. Ne~ <br />hh[» a11tl xM11t11K. nd aNea/ng <br />Nee mawtxtwa. labrahut. poc- <br />esaey a sob d poatrcts an tM <br />pemsn. <br />9. No maHrMls. suedes or <br />pmpmeal. bduding umpany <br />orns0 a ap«atW trwas aM mo. <br />taI vahieb. fhaY M stmd n any <br />area m a we «c mslh a M~ <br />Igrd a soNd vrwal Darn« wMCn <br />xreens such areas ham apoaung <br />prapartin a pudic slrMS, w«cn <br />nirrel fluty M it Nast 6 h. m <br />~l Oh, TMt per to liprig a lin» <br />ma0 on the suDlt<t Droperty, <br />CCBRS SMN M aappppwae q tnaCity <br />AttaMy. iM CCLRS mall prwde <br />for a RDOSrhr owns asxceten <br />went wNb Dower ro manage aN <br />cammptly owsNd xns. TM Cih <br />sMll M oared as nerielleory of <br />earl CC6Rs and mall M grsnrod <br />tM ports to enlace Ns pronsbns n <br />Me poparlY owners assuubon <br />lags to do w. <br />11. TMt all street gvng, cwM <br />and NHNS stern on tM tlevabp. <br />inert Dlan sMll M constructed <br />pnr to a m <a9urKten veto con <br />strxtvon d tM last Widry an tM <br />Seii` TnstptM aeralaper ee aware <br />loaf the pdxt vets b wOtact to <br />addlenal rpua«rents folder IM <br />Fha Cade. TM Me Marshal sllolrb <br />M eontxted la IurtMl tnamA <br />lion. <br />13. That tM sheet nunlnar al aN <br />OuNdngs M posted w u ro b easr~ <br />h seen from tM strati al sty lanes. <br />o+Y and nigh. <br />la. That sty Ducts. mNara, air <br />conllaning pugMent, and arty <br />other mecnsn¢a1 e9wpment. <br />wMlher an tM structum. an tM <br />ground. a NxwMre, M eNxtivNy <br />xraareo ham vew vets mat«els <br />xcMxturaN compstgtle won IM <br />main slrxtura. <br />I5. TMt aR mechanical pup <br />rleln M Cp1S11YCted M wCh a mM~ <br />n« that ndxamanating ham it wN <br />rot M p«aptinle at a teyad tM <br />popery d«» of tM sutNxt pp~ <br />arh b a normal armravn«d for <br />1M1 tavn8lstnct. <br />16. TMt aN Ngntey b cpnstruet- <br />ad n swn a mann« Msl pare is <br />dirxte0 away Irom surrounding <br />poprtes and rrgMs~d~way. <br />17. TMt aN bash and rolux b <br />cantarned eandeteh rslM arob~ <br />aver srcnnxturaay caripalide <br />wth IM maw strwture. <br />!8. That aM tress used n lard <br />xapng M a rmnwwm a 15 gal <br />bas n v:e ono aN snruM a mmr~ <br />mum o15 8albns. <br />19. that 6" vertical concrete <br />clnOS M instaNed tetween aN pave0 <br />aM bMxaped areas. <br />20. That w parlung spies M <br />sloped and Drowded vets wrest <br />stops unless tMy are Iranled q <br />caner»e curbs. m wnicn ux suni~ <br />cent Neu shah M prwdM M~ <br />yad tM ends al aN pNNing spaces <br />to xcanrrwoate tM wernang a <br />sutamabges. <br />21. TMt aM uhMes re9uaed to <br />serve tM developrnarrt M alstalbd <br />uM«grwM. <br />11. TMt tM appNCant ent« into <br />an agrearrent won IM City p~ <br />pored q tM Cih Attorney wMCn <br />guarantees Mat aN IaMxapng m~ <br /><rodatl w tMS pal«t d M man <br />tamed m a MahnlW, attractive ono <br />weadlrx maawr. Sad agreement <br />sooty run wen tM lard fw ells dwa~ <br />ton d 1M nratence d tM strw~ <br />turn bated on tM wbbct pop«~ <br />h <br />13. TMt tM develap« mslae <br />atraN trap as rewired p« ah <br />nano. <br />?t. TMt arty dama8e b slreN <br />dumprNig~cmilraisi~bn own flu sunlect <br />top t~yoevaloPr. M at fWl eapanx <br />25. TMt NgMng apparel q tM <br />Poaee Dpanment sooty M prwd. <br />sd NatiM tM p«imetan d aN <br />Ougdngs an tM wlspd proprly. <br />26. t n rewaad q tM PaNCa <br />Department. nuddings snsll De <br />pa won alarm systems. IM <br />type o b appovM q IM Pitlice <br />Department ono that tMx systems <br />sMN b instalbd per tp Iwil dad <br />in8 wspeaian. <br />17 TNN tM one M apt Iran d <br />lie haiards ham He start d can. <br />slructiat to final nspcuon and <br />that tM fn Opanmant ellergMr. <br />n npnn« M Drovdad agapnl ro <br />M taMawMS m tM sne. <br />28. Mt tM IaNowy nt« con <br />s«vmg plumMng lialurn M im <br />staNd: a) bw Mah ral« <ba»f: o) <br />sMwr Haw contra tlNd{: cl awa~ <br />rocs n nMtar taut»s: ana d) bw~ <br />tenon a Ilot wat« Non. <br />29. TMI tM davebpr's rbnrx~ <br />to oMam an encroacfnrrlt pNmil <br />ham tM Cih pier to Ne EryvlMlg <br />of cpnsbwnon. <br />30. TMI Ne devabpar pry aq <br />srd aN INS tMl efts property may <br />M stlbleLt to. <br />31. TMt appwN d tna auiN <br />far Yoe. grab artd shuctaN xc <br />Mrs for IM sira»s semng etas dr <br />valprrenl M v»hMb pending lw~ <br />N devgn. <br />31. iMt tM melon w Valley <br />Avenue b I6 feet woe cub to <br />curb. <br />33. TMt tM develptr's anp~ <br />ren slsbnn pabnbxy geg7n c»~ <br />cltlatun, crrtaM. srd aswmplions <br />b bond. BN" e l /" « 8W" a 11" <br />lamst whbh fel lorln the Msb for <br />desiN far tM sasrar. w»«. N1d <br />storm hen systems as frets as r»e~ <br />rant btamatbn caK«nmg sags. <br />tranic, «c. <br />3•. TMt appw» d tM r»« <br />distribution system M wlhMro <br />paning MN daslgn aM suM- <br />Quest appra» q He Cih Enp~ <br />rla«. <br />35. TMt 111e deve'lopv wftY the <br />20" ral« Nile ham tM wstwg t«~ <br />mbaten M Valley Av«we to Ndln <br />$IrM. <br />36. That appwal o11M saata <br />xw« coeecten sYStem M wNNWd <br />peMng Mal dnMn aM wnx~ <br />otrent appwN q lM Cih Enp~ <br />river. <br />37. ThN tM develops desiN <br />and nstaM IM oM~vta fernery xm <br />« Noe fo IM Jensen Ntt station and <br />mats wnatev« rensens may M <br />reused to tM Jansen station and <br />tM outlall sYStam Tnne dens <br />shah M appwad q the Cih Enp~ <br />deer <br />38. TMt tM aaatary satyr sp- <br />tam M aesigred and sixM ro aa~ <br />W+teh serve tM haausp xu tn~ <br />Wean ro n. <br />39. TMt appwN d HIt slam <br />habage system M wnnMro pard~ <br />alg nrl» dbigrl and sunsplenl <br />appwal tM Cih E <br />W. Tn tM stD.m~r ~raau~a sn~ <br />teen M dntpe0 and slxM ro adt <br />welsh serve 1M haalage arx trv <br />Weary to N. <br />II. That aN apdicabb rswKe~ <br />menu o11M Abneda County Flood <br />Canlra Patrct M met. <br />/2. TMt tM 30 n. wde brd~ <br />scope Duller along the west«n <br />bwndary M Wt n camdNah atlja~ <br />cant to bts 8 and 9 at th Wpmalg <br />d tM polxt and tool IM retreat <br />d« d tMa Wn« sMN M mounded <br />antl tl tress dented » Me same <br />ewe: toot tM 30' aest«n taller. <br />IM 30 h. sere abng VaNn Avarua <br />and at bast the hoot and adanor <br />side 25 N. of sty INS f and/« <br />sling nearer streets sMtl M man <br />taxetl N ap ewes Dy tM prpoerly <br />owllNf sssacetion. (P« slwl e1 <br />N IM Development Plan.) <br />I3. TMI tM Might d airy Wild <br />ing rot nceed 32 n. antra anx~ <br />vex apparel q tM DeNpl Revive <br />BoNd. <br />W. TMt appwsl N Mb prgxl <br />don not Narantx xwr upxny <br />for tie wrote propwty. <br />IS. TAM tM haters a Dp«albn <br />d tl rionallica xtwlin m las 8 <br />NxpuBMn«13gaaynd 11 Mrw{n 2S an0 <br />AM 7:OD P.M.~frdry. 7:00 <br />K. TMI vertical turns s1Mll b <br />in»iNSd Drl aM bterer weMS w tM <br />u. ThN w wtaria ahaNS w tM <br />developrrlent shah M prate WI <br />M» wal« xlae/ ar10 seam laali~ <br />Ibs n tMm shah b ownW, man <br />taaed and p«Nad q tie Cih. <br />Lgal PT~VT 6W8 <br />Pubgsn March 21. ~I9eo <br />