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materials arohitetturalty cenpaD- <br />Dle with Me main structure. <br />3. That all mechanical equip- <br />mem be constructed in suU a <br />manner that noise emanating <br />from It will not De perceptible at <br />or beyon0 me property plane of <br />Me subject property in a normal <br />environment for that inning <br />disMUY. <br />d. That all lightrng DQ con- <br />StrUtIW in wch a mannM Mat <br />glare is directed away from sur- <br />rounding properties alb ri~tts-d- <br />w 5. That all trash antl rehue be <br />comainad completety wiMin en- <br />dosures arohifedurally compati- <br />ble wnh me main structure. <br />6. That all trees used in land- <br />scaping be a minimum d 151;a1- <br />MS in eta and all ShNDs a mini- <br />mum d 5 gallons. <br />7. That if signing for Me devel- <br />opment is dssired. a comprehen- <br />sive signing program shall DQ sub- <br />mitted rothe Oiry for considlra- <br />non under separate applicaOOn. <br />8. That 6" vertical concrete <br />curbs be instalkb between all <br />paved and landscaped areas. <br />9. That all parking spies he <br />sloped and Orovided with wheel <br />stops unless MH are fronting by <br />concrete curbs, in which ase wf- <br />ficient areas shall be provided be- <br />yond [he Mds d all palling <br />spaces ro accommodate me over- I <br />hang of automobiles. <br />' 10. That all uDlities required ro ~. <br />I serve the deveopment snarl be. <br />inrtalbd undergroulb. <br />11. That the applicant ems <br />Toro an agreement wim Me Ciry, <br />approved by the City Attorney, <br />which guarantees that all land- <br />I saPing included in Mis project <br />will he mainaine0 rt all fimss in <br />a healdul, attractive and weed- <br />free manner. Said agreement <br />~i shall run wits Me land for Me <br />', duraOM d the existence of Me <br />I, shucNres located on the subject <br />Oroperty. <br />12. That all dwNling units in <br />the development be constructed <br />to meet Me latest P.G.BE. Energy <br />Conservation Home Standards. <br />l3. That Me bllawing watts <br />cgnssrving plumdng fxture5 DB <br />installed: a) low floss wale d05- <br />ets; b) shows flow control needs: <br />c) aerates in interar faucets; and <br />d) insulation d hot water lines. <br />14. That the applicant be <br />aware that design review approv- <br />al lapis within one year unless a <br />building permit is issued alb con- <br />sttuctbn has commenced and is <br />diligMtty pursued toward tenpb- <br />fiM or an extensiM has been rs <br />quested from me Ciry. <br />I5. That Me developer x- <br />knowkdges Mat tfb Ciry d Pleas <br />emus does rid guarantee Me <br />availability d wlficient sewer a- <br />DacdY roserve Mis development <br />by the approval d mis ass, aM <br />Mat the develops agrees and x- <br />knowlMges that building permit <br />approval maY he wiMheb g sew- <br />er cepxity is IouM Dy the Ciry <br />not ro De avaibbb. <br />16. Thrt the laatbn d am/ <br />pad mounted tremfemers shall <br />De wbject ro approval try the <br />Planning Division prbr ro issu- <br />arlce d a buiklirry permit. GMer- <br />aly speaking wch transfemen <br />shall not ce IaaMd Detweerl arty <br />street antl the hoot d a buiding. <br />17. That all Duibings and/e <br />structures must oomplY wits all <br />codes and oAinances in efed at <br />tfb time requited permits are is- <br />sued by Me auilding Oivisbn. <br />19. That the devebpment shall <br />meet all requirements of the <br />Pleasanton Fire Cade. <br />.19. That Me site ce kept free d <br />fire hoards from 1M start dcon- <br />strucDOn rofinal irepectbn and <br />that Ma Fire Departmem ems• <br />gang numOer be provided xja- <br />ant mall Mepfbna M the site. <br />20. That the OroleQ mall meet <br />all requiremems d Me Pleasanton <br />Sxurny Code and MB deveoper <br />shall provide Plans as spxifieO by <br />Me Crime Preventbn aurcau d <br />the Pleasanton Polite Depart- <br />ment. <br />21. That if rMUircd by Me Po- <br />lice Department Me building(s) <br />shall be equippe0 wim an alarm <br />system, Me type ro be approved <br />by the Police Department and <br />Mat Mis system shall be installed <br />poor ro final building inspection. <br />22. That a final landscpe plan <br />be submitted ro the Planning Divi- <br />sion fe approval poor ro issuance <br />d a building permit. <br />23. That the Colors Of the W iltl- <br />ing(s) be submitted ro the Plan- <br />ning Division ror approval Odor ro <br />issuance d a building permit <br />26. That me deveops pay any <br />and all fens Mat Me property may <br />be wDject ro. <br />25. That Only modular newspa- <br />per dispensers accommodating <br />more than one newspaper shall <br />be allowed outside of buidings <br />wimin the developmenh the De- <br />sign of Mere dispensers shall be <br />approved Dy [he Planning <br />Division. <br />26. chat the developer wbmrt <br />a building permit survey and a <br />site development plan in xcor- <br />dance wits the Survey Ordinance <br />(Article 3, Chapters 3, Title IU, <br />and that these pons De approved <br />by Me Ciry Engineer prior ro Me <br />issuance of a building permit. <br />That the site developmem plan <br />include all required information ro <br />design all construct site, ~ad- <br />ing, paving, drabage and utilities. <br />Specific items ro be indicted M <br />me site devebpmM[ plan nxes- <br />sary ro construct storm. sewer <br />and wets svshms are: <br />a. Type d pipes to ce useO <br />storm, SC.vN. Water); <br />b. LMgM d pipes in linear feet <br />storm. sews. waterl: <br />c. Sbpes d Pipes (storm aM <br />ewer): <br />d. InvM ebvalans at exh in- <br />N a rynction structure Isrorm <br />Ind SBWer); <br />e. HontMhl corNOl necessary <br />o set relationships between <br />wildings, parking, curb alq gut- <br />s, srortn, sewer aM wets: <br />t. Show rap d pipe and bottom <br />g Pipe ebvatbns where pips <br />:ross under a over one anoMS; <br />g. Differentiate between public <br />Ind prwate SySIMIS. <br />h. Landscape crass. parking <br />;falls, driveway aisles, buildings, <br />:urbs aM gutters shall have hori- <br />tontal control dimensioning indi- <br />ate0 on site development plan. <br />27. That the paving sections <br />br the on-site parking aM dove <br />areas De designM On the basis d <br />an R-Value test and a traffic ilbea <br />b arty the anticipated traffic <br />loads. Tnis design shall be subjeut <br />to me approval of Me Ciry Engi- <br />neer. The minimum paving sx- <br />1bnshall De 2" A.C. M 6" d A.9. <br />The minimum A.C. Pavement <br />slope shall ba 1%. For pavement <br />skapes d kass Man 1%d the wr-, <br />face rortoff shall be cured in ai <br />concrete gulls ro an atcelareDle <br />poim d Oixnarye. The minimum <br />slope for concrete gutM shall be <br />0.5%. <br />28. That the developer instill <br />stns frontage improvemMls ps <br />ordinance and ro the ssDSfacDM <br />d me Ciry Engineer. These im- <br />provsnems may include, but are <br />rid netsssanlY limited ro. gred- <br />ing, curb and gutM, sidewalk. <br />paving, storm drain, sanitary sew- <br />er, wets fxiliDes, street ligming, <br />undergrouM utllMes, tramc con- <br />trol devices, landscaping, and <br />auromatb irrigation systems. <br />29. That Me Droperry owner <br />enter into an agreemMt wits me <br />Ciry whereby he agrees ro con- <br />struct or finance the consWdion <br />of street improvemMts adjxent <br />ro Me Bice ro me extent required <br />by me SubdivisiM Ordinance at <br />SuU time in Me future as [his is <br />deemed necessary Dy the Ciry En- <br />gineer. Said improvements may <br />include, but are not nxessanty <br />limtted ro grading, curb arts gut- <br />ty, sidewalk, paving, street IigM- <br />ing, street trees, street monu- <br />ments, underground utilities, <br />storm drain fxilities, sanitary <br />sewer fxilities, tree rertaval, traf- <br />fic control devices, landscaping <br />alb apUNllatb Imgatlpn Syslema. <br />This agreement shall he exxuted <br />alb approved by the Ciry Council <br />prior ro Me iswarlce d a building <br />pertnK. The properly avns/dae- <br />loper shall deposit a bond wits <br />Me Ciry ro Mwrc future cenplr <br />lion Of the required imOrove- <br />mMts. ThK bulb Shall be in a <br />starbard roan approved aJ Me <br />Ciry Attorney orb shall he in an <br />amqum sstisfautory ro the Ciry <br />Engineer. The Ciry Engineer may <br />accept a may require a cash pay- <br />mem in-lieu d Oohing wfbre dr- <br />cumstanccs warrant. <br />30. That the deveoper sutanit <br />a rdunGbla ash bolb ha hoard <br />and elusion contra poor to Tsw- <br />ana d a buiding permit. The <br />amount d Mis Iblb will De dets- <br />miMd Dy the Ciry Engines. <br />31. That a sanitary sewer sam- <br />pling msnlpla be provbed on rile <br />sanitary sewer lateral ham exh <br />buiding, unless otherwise waived <br />Dy the Ciry Enginew. <br />32. That Prix ro iswarlce d a <br />building permit, Ma develops <br />shall pay the aPPlicaDk Zone 7 <br />aM Ciry connectbn fees alb ws <br />M meter cost for any wets me- <br />ters (irtigaDOn meters) not dilectty <br />related ro a Duibing permit. <br />33. That the develops detl4 <br />ate ro the Ciry for sues nghtcf- <br />way purposes those paroeR d <br />land inrerbed ro ce publb streets. <br />34. That the deveklper grant an <br />easlmM[ ro the City over throe <br />parcels sham as Public service <br />easemMts (P.S.E.) and which are <br />approved try Me Ciry Engineer or <br />oMN paroels which may be desig- <br />natetl by the Ciry Engineer. <br />35. That apOroval d the design <br />for Me line, grade, and structural <br />seurtbns far the strceb Mis tlevN- <br />opment be withheld pending final <br />engineering deign orb review by <br />the Ciry Engineer. <br />36. That vertial P.C.C. curbs <br />and gutters be constructed within <br />Mis development unless oMM- <br />wise approved by the Ciry Engi- <br />neer antl that Me cum and gutter <br />De poured monolithially wits me <br />sidewalk whM the sidewalk is <br />adjxent. <br />37. That all existing wells, sep- <br />tic tanks or holding tanks on Me <br />site be property sealed, flleO and <br />abandoneO one to the start of <br />grading operations unless Zone 7 <br />retains spxifc wells br obssrva- <br />tion wells, a special approval is <br />obtained from Me Ciry Engineer <br />for temporary use d an existng <br />well for construction wets. Any <br />wells designated for abandon- <br />ment easy wells encountered <br />during constmdion, are to be de- <br />stroyed in xcoroance wits a per- <br />mit obtained from Zone 7 try ail- <br />ing (615) 443-9300. <br />3B. That me haul mute br all <br />materials ro and from Mis devN- <br />opment De approved Dy the Ciry <br />Engineer prig ro me start d any <br />constucten. <br />39. That me developer submit <br />an erosion and sedimentation <br />control plan or procedure as part <br />d Me improvement plans Dnor tp <br />:he final approval of the <br />feuelopment. <br />40. That Me tlevebps Submit <br />a dust control plan or prxe6Ore <br />az part of the improvement plans <br />aria ro the final approval d me <br />]evebpment. <br />41. That storm drainage <br />swaks, gutters, inlets, outlalls, <br />antl channels rid within Me area <br />of a de0iatM Dublit street a <br />public service easement approved <br />oy the Ciry Engines ce Privatey <br />maimainM Dy Me property own- <br />ers a Mrougfl M aswcbtan ap• <br />droved Dy Me Ciry. <br />42. That approval d the wars <br />5uppty orb dishiDutbn system be <br />wihheld pending final design and <br />until the deveoper nos demon- <br />strated ro Me ssDSfaction d me <br />Ciry Engineer Mat Me proposed <br />system marts Ooh the immediae <br />orb long-range requirements fe <br />wppying water in Mis area. <br />d3. That Me deveoper compty <br />with any and all applicable re- <br />quirements dthe crosstonnx- <br />tions control aM backflow pra- <br />vantbn device Orograms required <br />by Me Calilomia Administrative <br />Code, Title 17. <br />44. That approval for the num- <br />ber, type antl laation d fire hy- <br />drants De wimheb peMing final <br />desi~l, review by Me Ene Mar- <br />shal, and final review try Me Ciry <br />Engirber. <br />45. That approval of Me zani- <br />hry sewer system DY withheld <br />pending final design and unbl Me <br />developer has demonstrated ro <br />me ssasfactian d Me Ciry Engi- <br />neer Mat Me Proposed system is <br />adequate, connxrs ro an ay <br />proved point d dixharge, and <br />meets Doh Me immediate and <br />long-range requirements d Me <br />sanitary system in this and all <br />tributary auras. <br />46. That if a sanitary sewer lift <br />station is installed for use by me <br />development and if it is xcepted <br />by me Ciry for maintenance orb <br />operation, an agreement shall be <br />completed between Me Ciry and <br />MB developer poor t0 Me approv- <br />al of the tlevebpment to the effect <br />that the deveops will provide a <br />maintenance and operation fund <br />for a minimum tM year period. <br />47. That approval d Me Stem <br />drainage system be withheld <br />peMing final design and until Ma <br />devebpM has demonstrated to <br />Me sstislxtiM d [he Ciry Engi- <br />neer mat the system is adequate, <br />connects ro an approved poim d <br />discharge, meets any and all ap- <br />plicable requirements d the Ab- <br />meda County Flood Control Dis- <br />trict -Zone 7, meets am/ and all <br />applicable requirements of Me <br />