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CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />Cltt OF PLEASANTON <br />AtAMEDA COUNTY, <br />CALIFORNIA <br />ORDINANCE N0. 1271 <br />APPROVING THE APPLICATION <br />OF CASTLEW000 PROPERTIES <br />FOR REZONING S.2 ACRES <br />FROM THE "A" (AGRK;ULTUR- <br />AL1 TO THE "PUD (PUNNED <br />UNIT DEVELOPMENT}MEDIUM <br />DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" DIS- <br />TRICT AND APPROVING A DE- <br />VELOPMENT PLAN fOR A <br />TWELVE PARCEL SINGLE-FAM- <br />ILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP- <br />MENT LOCATED ON 7HE 5.2 <br />ACRE SITE GENERALLY IN THE <br />AREA NORTH OF MISSION <br />HILLS PARK (PUD-86.13) <br />WHEREAS, Castlewood Prot' <br />eMe applied td rezoning apprw- <br />imateN 5.2 xre teen du "A" <br />(Agricultural) to the "PUD <br />(Planned Unit Devabpment}Mtr <br />ilium Density ReiOeMisl District <br />antl br OB,rebprnaM DIM apprw- <br />al for construction d a twelve par- <br />ch sinDe-hmiy rnidMwl dwa4 <br />opmMt bpM M the 5.2 xre <br />site bored generally in Me are <br />naM d Missbn Milk PaM (PU4 <br />86.131: and <br />WHEREAS, Dosed pit the IniDal <br />EnvirMmrmtel SNdy, a neptiue <br />dxteretbn was adopted Dy Coun• <br />cil M SeptemDM 16, 1986; orb <br />WHEREAS, Council rxeivetl <br />Me Planning Commksion's rx- <br />ommentlation for approval d the <br />Oevebpment plan art rezoning; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, a duly notipo Dub <br />tic haring we tech m $aptem- <br />trer 16, 1986, and <br />WHEREAS, the Ciry Council <br />finds Mat Mis Development plan <br />art retuning is coneistMt wiM <br />Me Generel Plan pdicie d Me <br />Ciry d Pleasanton: <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br />HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SactiM 1: ADProves the rezoning <br />of an approximately 5.2 acre site <br />looted generally in Me area north <br />of Mission Hills Part from Me "A" <br />(AgnculNroll DisMd m Me "PUD <br />(Planned Unit DevelapmmU-Mtr <br />ilium DMSiry ReidMtial" Dis- <br />trict. <br />Sattbn 2: The Zoning MaD d the <br />Ciry d Pleasantm dated April 18. <br />1960, on file with Me Ciry Clerk, <br />Designating art tlivbing Me Ciry <br />inm zoning tlistricts is hereby <br />ameMeO by Zoning Unit Map <br />e335, altxhed hereto a Exhibit <br />"A" tlated September 16, 1986, <br />ono incorporated herein by <br />rererence. <br />Sectten 3: Approves Me devebp <br />merit plan Ica a lwehe f 12) paroN <br />singltrfamiy reidential devebp- <br />meM, cabled m the mnditions on <br />Exhibit "B" attxheo herein and <br />by Mis reference incorporatetl <br />herein. <br />Seetbn 4: The Ciry stag is tlirect- <br />ed ro pose a Ndip d Dretertni- <br />natiM m befiled pursuant ro Sx- <br />tbn 5.4fg) d Resdutian No. 77- <br />fi6. <br />Sactlan S: This ardinarlp shall be <br />publkfred once within fifteM (151 <br />days after its adoption in 'The <br />Valley Time" a nawspspsr d <br />general ciroulstion publisnW in <br />Me city d PteasaMOn. <br />Sactbn 5: This ladinance shall be <br />eRectiva Mirty (30) days afM the <br />date d ire final passage and <br />adopDOn. <br />INTRODUCED at a regular <br />meeting d the Ciry Council d the <br />Ciry d Plesardon M October 7, <br />1986 Dy Me fdlowing vote: <br />AYES: Councilmembers-Butler, <br />Mercer, Mohr, Waotl arM Mayor <br />BnMe <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Nwre <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />FRANK C. BRANOES. 1R., <br />MAYOR <br />James R. Walker, <br />Ciry Clerk <br />8Y Doris George. <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Pert D. MxDonab, <br />Ciry Atmmey <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PUD-86-13 <br />DOLORES PLACE <br />1. That Me tlevNOpment shall <br />De in substantial conformance <br />wiM Exhibit A - Site Develop- <br />ment Plan and Grading Plan, on <br />file wiM Me Planning Depart- <br />ment except as mooifeo Dy Mesa <br />conditions. <br />2. That the tleign d Me dwell- <br />ings shall cpnhxm in apperenp <br />and color to those existing in Me <br />adioining Pleasanton Hills whtli- <br />vision (7ratt 4611); all building <br />elevations shall repive "front fa- <br />cade" type treabnmt. Dwellings <br />shall De a minimum 2,500 so. ft. <br />in size. Floor plans, front elevtr <br />bons, orb setDSCks shall be var- <br />ied sufficient m achieve a streek- <br />caoe evened in apperence e <br />exisk in Pleasanton Hills. Foal <br />deign of each dwelling shall DQ <br />subject m approval by the Plan- <br />ning Director Prior m iswance d <br />a [wilding permit. <br />3. That Me use and site stan- <br />dards shall ha Mtge on tare R-1- <br />6500 zoning district except as ex- <br />prrnsly mpdifietl herein: <br />a. Llsk 3, I1, and l2 shall ba <br />singbstory; ' <br />b. Ld 2 shall have atwo-story <br />home CbrISDlKtetl Orl it, Sltetl with <br />the Iront orb rear walk parellel m <br />Dolores PNce: <br />c. The rei~r¢e on Ld 2 shall <br />have a minimum side yartl set- <br />bxk Ifive feed on tM rortherrl <br />side: <br />tl. Ld 2 shall have a 30 bd <br />minimum rear yard setback; Lot 3 <br />SMII hew a minimum 75 foot <br />roar yard saroack. <br />4. That tM pmate cart Stull <br />be a part d Mb PUD a shown on <br />Exhibe A K, wKhin 90 Days bl- <br />bwirq apgwal d Mk PUD, the <br />Pleeanton Hilk Owners' Afwcitr <br />tbn Mnexe tM project, irtdud- <br />ing Me park, m its assaciaDM. In <br />tM avert dre project and private <br />Dark k rid a0 MfreRed, a IQYISed <br />tlwabpment plan containing <br />tweNa units develPPetl woh es- <br />snlDaly the same grading provi- <br />sions and street configuration <br />shall ha wbmilted, m De pro- <br />Cased e a minor madifiption <br />with notice sent m ore PkasaMOn <br />Hills Owner's Association and <br />nrkgnbpdrq residMte. <br />5. In tM evert the private park <br />is Mrwed m tM Asaotiatbn, it <br />shall W imbHed at devabpans <br />expense mncurranty wiM tM dtr <br />vebpmeM d tM project; daveloP- <br />mMt stall irrJuda irrigMbn, Nd, <br />shNDe, plry area, and minimum <br />15-galbn trees. The firul deign <br />d Me park shall be wblect m <br />approval Dy Ma Pleasanton FIRk <br />Owner' Association antl Iha <br />Planning Director. <br />6. Thn a tenting Plan far the <br />Perimeter d the Proled orb on <br />property lines DetwaM esidence <br />shall De wDmmed br Planning <br />Dirxmr approval prior m Me ap- <br />proval d afinal Tip; Where said <br />plan include wooden a wrought <br />iron Notes, May shall be d Simi- <br />lar deign art matenan ro tfase <br />existing m foe PleasaMM Hills <br />subdivkiM. Said fencing plan <br />Shall also provitle for the <br />bllowing: i <br />a. at Me aptiM d Me owner d <br />Ld 37 d Tract 4611, art eight <br />foot ence may be inshlkd abng <br />the nomterly tgMn d Lot !2: <br />b. at the option d the owners <br />d Lpts 46 and 47 d Trod 4611, <br />repectivey, no ence may be in- <br />stelko along their respective eaet- <br />ery pmperry lines; <br />c. fencing abng the partway <br />mall meet Ciry requiremMn for <br />fences abutting public property, <br />the final deign m be apDrovM by <br />the Planning Direcror Dno m ap- <br />proval d the final map; and <br />d. Me existing lance eking tare <br />southerly Ooundary may De <br />rnairreo. <br />7. That the deveoper shall <br />grant view easements, sstistec- <br />tory m tire Ciry Attorney, ro the <br />owrrers d Lott d6 antl 47 d Tract <br />4611, m Nn wiM the IoM, e- <br />redishing a vkw eassnrent over <br />Lob 3 Mrwgh 8 whkh will set a <br />maximum roof Desk height Nr <br />reidence corrstNCted M those <br />bk cowl m an elevation of five <br />(51 feet above Me finished Row <br />elevabons d Late 46 and 47. <br />8. That the mass grading shall <br />Oc wgect b tM falbwing: <br />a. a dust Ixemrd plM, satklx- <br />mry m Ma Ciry Engineer, shah Dc <br />prepared orb blbwetl; <br />O. That grading operation shall <br />be limited m weaktlays any Oe- <br />lwem the hours d 8:00 a. m. orb <br />6:00 p.m.; <br />c. That ro grading operations <br />Shall occur unless the winds are <br />calm w from tM wet; <br />d. That no stockpiling d mpsdl <br />w ottrer material shoo occur on- <br />site unless meawres satisfactory <br />m the Ciry Engineer m control <br />dust one included: <br />e. Thn iwtip shall De given m <br />all neighbors at least Mree days <br />prior b Me start d grading opera- <br />tions; and <br />f. That Me deveoper etedish <br />a haul route, approved try the <br />Planning Oepartmmt poor m Me <br />isswrKe d a grading permit, said <br />roub Shall minimize tlisturbanp <br />m existing rreighbws. <br />9. That in the event the excess <br />tlirt material pond be df-hauled <br />xrossthe Pleasanton Sdx)ol Dis- <br />trict ProPrntY for deposition m the <br />Luntl Ranch property ar on Me <br />School District Property, Mis tltr <br />vebpment pten shall be null art <br />voitl unless an aRemative fill site <br />and haul rare saesNCtpry m Me <br />Planning Director pit he buntl. <br />The haul route shall rwt be across <br />imOrlwed public nghn-of-way mr <br />puantitie in excess of 10,000 <br />cwyyyyyyarils d material. <br />/f yThat an amMded plan mr <br />p access partway m Mission <br />Hills Park, witlening the pathway <br />area, shall be submitted br rtr <br />view art approval in cpnjuridion <br />wiM Me tentetive map br Me <br />p 1 ;That Me partway shall be <br />deSrg(ied ono constructM by Me <br />oevelopn in mnjundion wiM Me <br />development d Mis DrojecD foal <br />Design of the pamway shall be <br />subject m approval d the Director <br />of Parks ono Community <br />1(Y7J That Me street lightlng for <br />Me project shall OB deigned m <br />adepuately light the private park <br />and the pathway w additional <br />ligl)4ng snail be prwbed. <br />f2I13fJ That a 20-foot wide P.S.E. <br />sh De oedipte0 m Me Ciry <br />abng the souMery bourbary d <br />Ld 5, the existing dreinage sys- <br />tem IV-ditch) shall ba main- <br />tained, arty fence crossing the <br />P.S.E. shall he deigned m allow <br />Oreinaga Rows arM shall include <br />gates m albw vMkular acces, <br />arM the bourMary d Ld 5 shall <br />not include the etch basin in the <br />~Mesrery Cromer d Mat Id; <br />II tlei8n try the Ciry Engineer <br />approval d the final map. <br />~/4J~~~~That the project sMtm <br />mega system shall provide fa <br />lap overtbw from Ma Cul4tr <br />rpugtr d1a pathway area. <br />That all kKS be protected <br />storm warn NIIpIf emanat- <br />frorrl adldning bb; tM storm <br />in instelb0 for Mis projxt. <br />i the swMery property IiM d <br />6 shall be designed m albw a <br />IN etpflll drab m cdked NrM)R <br />n the swate on tM School Dis- <br />t property and deposit ilin dre <br />iecls storrrl drain wiMOUt Ois- <br />unca d tM existing Minion <br />t tM tlevlbper shall rtr <br />at its silo cos[, the "eF <br />ie Dolores Court -Do- <br />ciao relandscaping a po- <br />Ma front yard d Ld 37 d <br />ThM the tlevebper shall <br />w n for Ptannirry Oiretfor ap- <br />xwal a larbsppe and imgatiM <br />NM showing plarning wimin Lot <br />i arWw the patltway area which <br />s designed m screen rasi0errte <br />m Lots 4 m 6 ham view d the <br />rouMerly adioining residences; <br />aid Isrbsrape plan shall not in- <br />Jude any tre9a arM/w shNbe <br />viMin the 20' P.S.E. reouireo <br />lIM shall be designed m enwre <br />wmplianp wiM Me view eastr <br />rent created. The continued <br />naiManar«:e d Me screen paM- <br />ng shall be made a part d tM <br />:CdR's for Lot 5 and made sptr <br />:ifiply enhxteDle DY Me Ciry. <br />1ltemativey, Me developer may <br />ubm4 a plan br instellatiM d <br />revs wimin Me houMane d Me <br />~ou[herly adjoining properties <br />lrovbing the plan is attepteDle <br />o Me Planning Director arxl the <br />18. That this development <br />;hall De subled m all Srendaro <br />:ondkions of DevelaDmm[, at- <br />ached harem and made part d <br />:his pse 6t' retererlp. expel <br />:oMitions 5. 7, 8. 9, 11, 12. 13, <br />l4, 22, 25. 29, 55. and 56. <br />STANDARD CONDITIONS <br />Of DEVELOPMENT <br />1. That the street number(s) d <br />he building(s) De postetl w as to <br />x easiy seen from the street at <br />dl mm~, day and night street <br />cambers shall he clearly ois- <br />)layed on all rear do)rs whM a <br />lu ilding has more than one <br />mart. <br />2. That all ducts. miters, air <br />nrWitiming epuiPmmt. and any <br />Hher mechanical eRUiDment <br />vheMer on the stnxture, an Me <br />pound, a enewhere, he effec- <br />vely screened fiom view wiM <br />