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have substantially mitigated or will substantially mitigate all <br />of the environmental effects of the Project, ezcludinq only <br />visual and archeological impacts, thereby diminishing-or <br />obviating the perceived mitigating benefits of adopting this <br />project alternative; <br />b. Although this alternative offers the <br />possibility of obtaining some additional developer fees, this <br />alternative would increase the impacts of the Project relating <br />to traffic and noise. <br />c. This alternative would require adoption <br />of a general plan amendment, as the medium density residential <br />development otherwise would be in conflict with certain aspects <br />of the City's current general plan; and <br />d. This alternative would have <br />environmental impacts which are equal to or greater than the <br />Project, and this alternative would not substantially reduce <br />any significant environmental effects of the Project. <br />MHZ:lj/5 <br />16795/02.25.8 <br />72201.001 <br />53 <br />