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d. This alternative would have <br />environmental impacts which are equal to or greater than the <br />Project, and this alternative would not substantiallg reduce <br />any signficant environmental effects of the Project. <br />C. Soz Dwelling Unit Alterna ive. <br />This alternative would provide for a medium density <br />residential development including five hundred ninety-three <br />(593) dwelling units, located on lots ranging in size from 3600 <br />square feet to 12,000 square feet, including multi-family <br />housing in Land Unit B. <br />1. Facts. This alternative would have a <br />similar impact on geology and soils, vegetation and wildlife, <br />visual quality, traffic, air, noise, and public services as <br />does the 421 unit alternative, above. As stated at pages 87-88 <br />of the DEIR, the higher number of dwelling units contained <br />within this alternative would increase Project-related traffic, <br />result in higher demands for water and public services, <br />generate more waste water and increase noise and air pollution <br />by a slightly higher amount than the 421-unit alternative, and <br />by a higher amount than the Project. <br />2. Findings. The City Council finds that the <br />593 unit alternative is infeasible and less desirable than the <br />Project, and rejects this alternative, for the following <br />reasons: <br />a. Mitigation measures incorporated into <br />the Project, or conditions of approval which will be imposed <br />upon specific approvals for development of the Project site, <br />52 <br />