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a minimum, maintain the amount ofhigh-density residential acreage currently designated on <br />the General Plan Map." <br />Because the site is located within the Downtown Specific Plan, the Specific Plan programs, <br />policies, and land use designation are regarded as a more refined, detailed version of the <br />General Plan. The land use designation for this property in the Downtown Specific Plan is <br />"High Density Residential". The proposed use conforms to this designation. <br />Thus, staff concludes that the proposed development plan is consistent with the City's <br />General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan, and staff believes this finding can be made. <br />3. Whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the vicinity <br />and the natural, topographic features of the site: <br />The Downtown project site is surrounded by a variety of uses: single-family residential, <br />multi-family residential, and personal service uses. As conditioned, staff believes that the <br />proposed project would be compatible with the single-family/multi-family character in the <br />area. The height of the proposed buildings is within the height range of surrounding <br />buildings. The site is flat with minimal grading proposed for drainage purposes. The design <br />of the buildings is consistent with the Downtown Design Guidelines and staff believes that <br />the plan, as conditioned, is compatible with the previously developed properties and the <br />natural topographic features of the site, and staff believes this finding can be made. <br />4. Whether the grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is <br />designed in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or <br />flooding to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible: <br />The subject site is flat, therefore, as conditioned, staff feels that the minimal grading required <br />is designed in keeping with the best engineering practices and would not have an impact on <br />the environment. Staff believes that this finding can be made. <br />5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the <br />natural terrain and landscape: <br />The project site is in a developed area of the City and would not involve the extension of any <br />new public streets. As an urban infill site, there is little natural terrain in the vicinity. <br />Development of the site complements the natural terrain by making only minor changes as <br />necessary to the site's existing, relatively flat topography. Therefore, staff feels that this <br />PUD finding can be made. <br />6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design of <br />the plan: <br />PUD-64, 4238 First Street LLC <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />