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DRAFT 3. Circulation Element <br />riding~ublic transit, carpooling, walking or biking. Programs include parking cashout. prize drawings, <br />transit subsidies, and a guaranteed ride home in case of illness, family emergency, unscheduled <br />overtime or missed rideshare trio. <br />The Cit~of Pleasanton survey residents and employees on a bi-annual basis to measure progress <br />towards trip reduction goals to determine public awareness of the many commute programs and <br />incentives available to them, and to learn which incentives would further encourage residents and <br />employees to use commute alternatives Findings of the 2006 survey include: nearly nine out of ten <br />residents drive alone to work and eight out of ten employees drive alone to work• the average <br />commute among residents is 19 miles and takes 32 minutes while employees travel an average of 19.9 <br />miles and their commute takes 34 minutes• the most popular alternative commute modes among solo <br />drivers presidents and employees) are carpooling and BART• the most popular ridesharing incentive <br />among residents and employes is a guaranteed ride home from work in the event of an emergency; <br />and awareness of TDM~rograms is generally low~with less than one-third of residents and employees <br />aware of each~rogram The report concluded that the City of Pleasanton could boost awareness <br />among residents and employees in several wad including• partnering with local realtors to provide <br />information to homebuyers• providing information to residents about TDM programs available, <br />especially the Guaranteed Ride Home service• and„public service announcements on local radio and <br />TV stations that residents use for commute information. The Economic Development Department is <br />investigating the implementation of these strategies. <br />The City of Pleasanton and the Pleasanton Unified School District (I'USD) have partnered in the <br />Rides to School program Pleasanton's School Traffic Calming Program This program is a joint effort <br />between PUSD and the City to flan and manage school traffic at individual schools. Elements of the <br />program include• enforcement and monitoring by the Pleasanton Police Department; review of signing <br />and striping to designate speed limits, loading zones crosswalks, and parking• a Ridematch Pooling <br />Program which facilitates carpools, bikepools, and walkpools• site improvements including site <br />redesign staggered bell times pi-mil? and drop-off procedures, and parking-lot modification review; <br />"School Tripper" buses provided by Wheels which coordinate with the schedules for middle and high <br />schoolsipedestrian safety measures including crossing_~uards and safety education• the Safety Valet <br />program at elementary schools• and walk-to-school and bike-to-school participation. <br />[The text, above, about TDM updates the following deleted discussion about TSM.] <br />Circulation Element 012908 redline 3-35 City Council O1 29 OS <br />