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Mayor Hosterman questioned if the rooftop parking was for additional space for new cars and <br />Mr. Tai said they envision it to be for employee parking, which is several hundred spaces. He <br />said the ramp is not necessarily secure but if there are no cars there after hours, there should <br />be no reason not to turn the lighting off altogether in that area. <br />Councilmember McGovern said one of the most important parts of the plan is how it fits in with <br />the park, and the landscaping is very important to her. She asked if the landscaping was flat or <br />bermed next to the 5 acre park. Mr. Tai said they are proposing a wall to separate the park from <br />the automotive dealership. Landscaping against the wall could hide the wall or break it up, and <br />they feel this works best for security and separation of uses. <br />Councilmember McGovern said she could understand the use of a wall, but she would like it to <br />be very nice, inviting, colorful and soft as it goes into the park. She said she was having trouble <br />with the 50 foot sign and night lighting of the project, stating when you drive down the freeway <br />and see some of the dealerships at night close to Office Depot, they are very bright. She asked <br />if there is a certain wattage that would keep the property safe but with lower lighting. <br />Councilmember McGovern preferred more landscaping be proposed around the buildings and <br />voiced concerns over the visual amount of parking and building space. <br />Councilmember Cook-Kallio questioned if the signs were represented during the flyover video <br />and Mr. Tai said he believed the pylon signs were shown. He said the project is very large and if <br />a 5 foot sign is placed on the site, it would not be seen and therefore, something of presence <br />must be implemented. He then presented the video and verified the sign was in the video. <br />Councilmember Cook-Kallio said the staff report indicates 2 car washes and Mr. Tai noted they <br />were contemplating up to 4 car washes, those buildings will be landscaped and they were <br />mindful of noise impacts. <br />Mayor Hosterman said she was having trouble with the signage and asked Mr. Tai to <br />contemplate opportunities to reduce it. She thought the nighttime picture was much nicer than <br />the daytime picture and she confirmed this was an actual depiction of the signage. <br />Mayor Hosterman said projects in Pleasanton need to be elegant and timeless architecture and <br />asked Mr. Tai to return to those corporations and regardless of their brand, suggest that there <br />be an opportunity to soften the large buildings and give them a more elegant look. <br />Councilmember McGovern referred to the wall and she asked if it was anticipated that it would <br />be the City's responsibility to landscape on the park side of the wall. Mr. Tai said this has been <br />contemplated. <br />Commissioner Fox referred to the car wash, the park, and wall stating the car wash is fairly <br />close to what is envisioned to be residential, and she questioned if it could be moved. Mr. Tai <br />said this was not cast in stone; however, they try to put car washes where there is a flow from <br />where vehicles get serviced, cleaned and then return to the customer. Putting them large <br />distances away adds time, so they try and locate them close and on the back sides of the <br />facilities. He noted the car wash would be located approximately 200 feet away from residential <br />and the area will incorporate a wall and heavy landscaping. Also, the car washes are built inside <br />of an enclosure so noise can be attenuated in a certain direction. However, they have not done <br />City CounciVPlanning Commission 4 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />