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Regarding CLC's project, he felt they have done a magnificent job with it, appreciates their work <br />with the neighborhood, and he will look in the future at the affordability element to make sure as <br />much affordability is incorporated as possible. Regarding the retail center, he did not have as <br />much concern about the architecture but he echoed integrating the facility with the rest of the <br />property, particularly the park, and said he envisioned it as an extension of the park. <br />Councilmember McGovern said the joint statement shows the community consists of good <br />people with good intentions who can work for good results and thanked those who worked <br />together. She was interested in the City's application for annexation and questioned if there was <br />a rule that did not allow application until all PUD's were approved. Mr. Bocian said there was <br />and particularly in this project because it is consistent with the MOU. City Manager Fialho said <br />LAFCO has a policy that relates to large projects and that they want an approved PUD or <br />development agreement that specifies exactly how it is going to integrate. Councilmember <br />McGovern said she therefore wanted approval sooner rather than later. <br />She referred to the Auto Mall and retail, said the park is very important and how the transition <br />happens and in making it feel more like a master plan than units that sit there. She was getting <br />warmer with the sign's size and said it was probably the best she has seen thus far, but <br />suggested having bigger pictures of it. She likes green space and softening, wants to preserve <br />the heritage trees, wants abike/pedestrian path from the neighborhood behind CLC near <br />Staples Ranch Road to encourage more use of the park, voiced concern with the amount of <br />parking spaces and whether they are adequate for the retail center, wanted the retail center to <br />look at how they actually have the buildings laid out and the possibility of going to two-stories in <br />certain places to allow for more green soft space and a better transition to the park. She <br />appreciates everyone's presentations and hoped comments will be taken to heart. She was a <br />little worried about landscaping and how fertilizing will be done, and does not want anything to <br />contaminate the Arroyo Mocho water. She felt the project was good for Pleasanton and hoped <br />to move forward sooner rather than later. <br />Councilmember Cook-Kallio thanked all presenters for their work, appreciates the statement <br />between the two groups and welcomes transparency. She thinks it would be fiscally responsible <br />for the City to put in the four lanes to Stoneridge Drive even though we did not open it. She <br />thinks the CLC site is gorgeous and questioned the move-in age, felt it is differentiated from <br />other senior housing and single-family housing and hoped for creativity in the impact it may <br />have with the services in Pleasanton when counting the PUD's for the housing cap. She was <br />concerned about affordability and availability of such units as people age, is thrilled with the <br />green building aspect and thinks it is important for it to interact with the park, as well as how the <br />Sharks facility might interact with that. <br />Adjournment: Mayor Hosterman adjourned the Joint Workshop at 10:51 p.m. and advised the <br />Council would reconvene into a Special Meeting. <br />Respectfully su mitted, <br />r <br />ar n Diaz <br />City Clerk <br />City CounciUPlanning Commission 16 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />