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the back of the buildings and the park, and she wanted it to flow more into the community park <br />area by reconfiguring it. She felt the retail center looked like the one on Willow in Concord <br />opposite I-680, but she wanted to see something that preserves the trees that are currently in <br />Staples Ranch; something with a more creative solution than showing the backs of the buildings <br />and the front of the street in what Councilmember Sullivan's comments indicated. She wants the <br />retailer to look at retail centers like Livery Station in Danville, which she felt was a model that <br />could integrate some of the parks and pedestrian features which would provide more of a <br />transition into the community park area. <br />Councilmember Sullivan referred to the joint statement by Friends of Pleasanton and <br />Pleasanton First, said this is a significant event as they initially had an initiative with people <br />having very strong feelings about what should happen on the property. Another group had <br />feelings on the opposite ends of the spectrum and even though they were very divergent in their <br />views, both had a willingness to sit down, work together, find common ground and do what is <br />best for Pleasanton, which is a huge testament to what is best for Pleasanton. He said it sends <br />a huge message to neighbors and the County that we can work through issues and conflicts like <br />this and do the right thing. He said the City needs to let both groups know that it is taking their <br />statements seriously, agreed there needed to be an open transparent master planning process <br />for the park which involves the community, outreach, workshop formats without politicians or <br />commissioners in the room and allow for the community to talk about what they want to do with <br />the park. <br />He said part of the MOU is consistent with the cul-de-sac-ing of the Stoneridge Drive, the EVA <br />and easement, and the City will have discussion on the Stoneridge Drive connection as part of <br />the Circulation Element of the General Plan. He felt the gas station was a surprise to him and <br />for Fremont Land representatives and he had no preference for this. For Hendricks, there is a <br />lot of pavement and wanted some sort of mitigation for the pavement, whether it is permeable, <br />carports with or without PV, and something to reduce the heat islands. He felt the lighting <br />aspects needed to be scrutinized and minimized after hours. He said the 50 foot and 15 foot <br />signs need work and he suggested looking at the other freeway signs in town and use those <br />more as a model than what was seen tonight. Regarding architecture, he felt more work needs <br />to be done for the Hendricks site to fit in better with some of the other uses on the site. <br />He thanked CLC representatives for working with the neighbors, supported the green energy <br />concepts, felt the City needed to hone in on the affordability issues and the number of units still <br />needed to be discussed. Regarding the retail site, he likes the architecture, felt some innovative <br />things were being done with green building and energy efficiency, but suggested another look at <br />the property and how the site integrates with the park. It is centered on a parking lot with its <br />back to the community and this was not appealing to him. He said in San Francisco, they have a <br />concept of public open space on private development, with courtyards, fountains, eating areas, <br />roofs as public open space, and some of these concepts were needed. <br />Councilmember Thorne echoed comments regarding the joint statement and agreement and <br />hoped the Council will support the contents of the document and allow the projects to go <br />through in PUD's and allow the master planning process for the community park. Regarding the <br />Auto Mall, he had some reservations, but his questions have since been answered such as <br />lighting and parking on top of the building. He supports the sign at the corner because it looks <br />like it has been integrated in the assisted living facility quite well in that it is next to the <br />maintenance facility. He also voiced concern about the car wash on the west side of the <br />property and wanted to ensure it is adequately screened and separated from the neighbors. <br />City CounciUPlanning Commission 15 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />