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was approximately 11 acres and they have done projects of 100 acres where buildings would be <br />placed along the boulevard, as well as buildings around the perimeter, but there is not that <br />sense of scale for this project. <br />Councilmember Sullivan said he agreed with the buildings being along the streets if the fronts <br />were along the streets as this would be more of a pedestrian, walk able neighborhood. <br />However, it will not be and he agreed a lot has been done to soften the project with greenery. <br />Mr. Allen referred to the buildings that face Auto Mall and EI Charro and said the elevations <br />provided showing the view from the parking lot are identical to what is seen from the street <br />along those two major thoroughfare. <br />Councilmember Sullivan confirmed the developer was planning to build it as soon as it is <br />approved. He asked about the PV powering the site, and John Ambert, their LEED certified <br />representative, said they ultimately will have generated enough power to generate electricity for <br />all site facilities and not necessarily for the structures themselves, which would make it a zero <br />energy development. <br />Councilmember McGovern questioned what the smallest square foot retail space was, and Mr. <br />Grant said they could have a space as small as 600 square feet. She voiced concern over the <br />number of parking spaces versus the number of retail spaces. If a supermarket is put in, it <br />usually attracts much more traffic than a restaurant for a prolonged time. She confirmed that <br />there are 496 parking spaces and the City's requirement is 1 per 300 for the market. For <br />restaurants, Mr. Grant said they park it at 10 per 1,000 because the heavier use is the <br />restaurant and not the other retail spaces or the market. <br />Councilmember McGovern wanted staff to look at parking for retail to ensure there was <br />adequate parking. She asked if they thought about making any of the buildings two stories so as <br />to reduce the number of buildings on the site. Mr. Grant said in doing atwo-story project, <br />offices would go on the second floor. Councilmember McGovern referred to an example of the <br />Asian Market on Dublin Boulevard with shops on the second floor and said the spaces seem <br />very crowded to her. <br />Councilmember McGovern asked if there were more outdoor eating and resting/sitting areas <br />proposed in the center, and Mr. Grant pointed them out on the site plan, stating they believe it is <br />important to break up buildings. Councilmember McGovern sees the retail spaces as truly <br />augmenting the park users, she hoped those types would come to the center and felt places <br />should be provided for people to sit outside. <br />Councilmember McGovern referred to the EVA area and confirmed people would not be <br />entering from this area. She said when the landscape plan returns, she will be concerned with <br />the park and how it transitions. She was appreciative there is a path to the park as well as other <br />nice elements and voiced concerns with parking and density. <br />Councilmember McGovern questioned if a gas station could be proposed, Mayor Hosterman <br />agreed this was needed, and Mr. Grant noted they had not thrown out any ideas in terms of <br />uses. <br />Councilmember McGovern questioned where EI Charro ended, and Mr. Bocian said <br />improvements to EI Charro were being made up to a certain point and noted there is a median <br />plan north of the area. <br />City CounciUPlanning Commission 11 November 8, 2007 <br />Joint Workshop <br />