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ivlarch 23, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />WRA's proposed scope of the cumulative biology analysis: <br />The focused Study Area for the local region surrounding these parcels will be undeveloped <br />lands in the area bordered by I-680 to the west, State Route 84 to the south, Bernal Avenue <br />to the north, and Vineyard Avenue to the east. <br />The initial Study Area biological inventory effort will include mapping the following <br />biological features from readily-available resource maps and aerial photographs (with <br />limited ground truthing of accessible properties): <br />(1) All major plant communities including oak woodland and riparian areas, <br />(2) Blue line and other easily identifiable major drainages, <br />(3) Stock ponds and other bodies of water that may serve as aquatic breeding habitat for <br />wildlife species, <br />(4) Special status species occurrences from the California Natural Diversity Database and <br />other existing reliable data sources, <br />(5) Designated critical habitat for federal-listed species, and <br />(6) Unique soil types. This mapped information will be analyzed in an ArcInfo GIS <br />system to evaluate prime wildlife usage areas including breeding locations, movement <br />corridors, and foraging land. <br />Other sensitive habitats including unique plant communities and soil types will be quantified <br />within the Study Area. Any mapped critical habitat areas will be analyzed for the presence <br />or absence of their particular "constituent element" requirements. This biological inventory <br />analysis will be prepared as a stand alone document with a series of informative maps. <br />The information gathered from this study will be used to conduct the CEQA cumulative <br />impacts analysis for each of the three subject projects separately and in terms of their <br />combined impact. Impacts from these proposed projects on biological resources such as <br />wildlife breeding habitat and wildlife movement will be evaluated in relation to the projects' <br />potential effects on this larger Study Area. Loss of oak woodland, riparian, and other <br />sensitive habitats will be evaluated in relation to the acreage and location of remaining areas <br />of each habitat within the Study Area. If one or more sensitive biological features are <br />determined to have a potentially significant and unavoidable cumulative impact, a menu of <br />potential mitigation measures will be suggested that may include replacement ratios and <br />recommendations with respect to the geographic area(s) within which replacement areas <br />could be sought. <br />E. CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />Prehistoric cultural resources have not been found at any of the sites to date. Historical resources have <br />been found in and near the Greenbriar/Spotorno site but impacts were found either not to be significant <br />or, if significant, then mitigatable. In the absence of project-related cultural resources impacts, there <br />would be no cumulative impacts on cultural resources. Therefore, a cumulative analysis of the three <br />projects is not proposed for this topic. <br />:,. - <br />'~~' - _ c ~~ Su:~. ~._s~ i .t,c:-i.. _.'~ `1~~1I~ ~ cr ~i`Jr,~/3 ,k: I,j 1-[:-`ipi{ t,nail: <br />