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noted above as part of its final construction funding strategy. As a result, both reserves <br />are available to fund the recommendations included in this report. A detailed project <br />budget is included in Attachment 1. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Sealed bids for this project were opened on October 11, 2007. A total of five bids were <br />received, ranging from $6,778,079.80 to $28,973,464.28. The Engineer's Estimate for <br />the project was $5.9 million. The low bid for the project was received from Valley Crest <br />Landscape Development Inc., in the amount of $6,778,079.80. Based on reference <br />checks and work previously completed for the City, staff has determined that Valley <br />Crest is the lowest qualified bidder and that it is capable of completing the project. <br />As bid, this phase of the park would be developed on 13.2 acres of the Community Park <br />site, and consists of two lighted baseball fields, one unlighted informal baseball field, <br />paved parking for 105 vehicles, a public restroom, a field supply/storage building, <br />landscaping and irrigation, lighted pathways, a children's play area with apparatus, and <br />miscellaneous site furnishings. Irrigation and water management features include bio- <br />swales, underground drain lines, and quick-drain sub-grades and field drain lines on the <br />baseball fields. <br />Also included in the construction bid is a significant portion of the infrastructure required <br />to service the future Community Park phases, including storm drainage, the extension <br />of Tulancingo Boulevard from Valley Avenue, sewer and water infrastructure extension <br />from Bernal Avenue, and joint utilities. Finally, the project would require a significant <br />amount of grading and infill to ensure proper roadway and field elevations. Fortunately, <br />staff has been acquiring fill on the Bernal site from other projects, which should result in <br />additional infill and related costs being kept to a minimum. A project site plan is <br />included as Attachment 2. <br />In addition to the improvements included in the base bid, additional non-construction <br />development costs are required to complete the project. As detailed in Attachment 1, <br />these include architectural services, water and sewer connection fees, project <br />contingency, and miscellaneous professional services such as soils testing and <br />specialty inspections. Staff is also proposing to bid the purchase and installation of the <br />required field backstop separately, as a means of reducing project cost. Based on all <br />related expenses, the total project construction budget is $8,808,079, of which <br />approximately $5,424,004 is directly related to park development, $1,354,075 is related <br />primarily to infrastructure, and $2,030,000 is non-construction development costs. <br />These estimates do not include the approximately $751,000 spent to date for <br />preconstruction and design costs. Staff is recommending that the project be funded <br />from the Bernal Property improvement reserves detailed above. <br />Based on the above, staff is recommending award of the agreement to complete this <br />project. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />