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transportation whenever possible. Commissioner O’Connor noted that many companies <br />offer incentives to commuters. <br /> <br />Ms. Harryman stated that it could be included under Program 24.2, and Ms. Stern <br />proposed the following language: <br />? <br /> <br />Encourage land use that facilitates the use of trails and alternative transportation. <br /> <br />In response to Chairperson Fox’s inquiry if the completion of the Iron Horse Trail is <br />mentioned anywhere, Commissioner Pearce replied that it could be in the Circulation <br />Element. Chairperson Fox added that she would to have a program under the <br />pedestrian-oriented commercial area accessible by bicycle to connect the bicycle path <br />from BART to Hacienda Business Park. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank indicated that he would encourage that. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS RE-OPENED <br /> <br />Chairperson Fox asked Mr. Paxson if the Iron Horse Trail runs through Hacienda <br />Business Park. <br /> <br />Mr. Paxson stated that the Iron Horse Trail follows the old Southern Pacific right-of-way <br />that runs down the side of the Business Park and has no has improvements on it. He <br />noted that it is the linear park within Hacienda that falls in that area. He added that <br />Hacienda has also designated an area south of Owens Drive and expanded its walk area <br />to ten feet should the City wish to utilize it as a bypass. Mr. Paxson indicated that he has <br />kept in communication with Hacienda’s owners as the right-of-way is there should there <br />be a desire to develop the Ttrail. He stated that one of things the Specific Plan is looking <br />at is to provide a better pedestrian right-of-way to the BART station and to make the Iron <br />Horse Trail connection to the BART station the focal point of the entire area. He noted <br />that the City’s Trails Ad Hoc Committee recently made a recommendation to the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission regarding how to run the Trail temporarily with the idea that <br />the City could develop the area at a future time should it so desire. <br /> <br />In response to Chairperson Fox’s inquiry if the Trail currently runs through the Oracle <br />property, Mr. Paxson replied that it runs between the Kaiser Permanente IT buildings, <br />which were the old PeopleSoft buildings, with Oracle to the east. He noted that the <br />north-south pedestrian corridor and those that lead to the BART station are critical <br />components of mobility in the Park and are the focus of the Park’s planning efforts. <br /> <br />Chairperson Fox inquired if Hacienda would have objections to adding a program to <br />connect the BART station to the Trail. Mr. Paxson replied that Hacienda has no <br />objections but there are logistical hurdles that need to be overcome, such as the <br />mid-block crossing on Owens Drive, Hacienda Drive, and West Las Positas Boulevard. <br />He noted that there is another right-of-way between the Archstone apartments and Avila <br />homes to the west, with the soundwall at the edge of the easement. He indicated that <br />Hacienda would work with the neighborhood on how to go through the area to widen the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 25, 2007 Page 25 of 35 <br /> <br /> <br />