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not be a complementary use. Commissioner O’Connor added factories and industrial <br />buildings. <br />? <br /> <br />Consider external factors and potential impacts (such as the airport noise) when <br />designating land uses. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum inquired why the specific plan is not mentioned under <br />Program 1.1. Ms. Stern replied that the General Plan usually rules, and the State <br />mandates that zoning designations should be consistent with the General Plan. She added <br />that the specific plan falls in between the General Plan and the zoning designation. <br /> <br />Chairperson Fox inquired if “the City sphere of influence” refers to the entire City limits <br />and the sphere of influence. Ms. Stern said yes; it would include land that has been <br />pre-zoned that could be outside the City limits. <br /> <br />Chairperson Fox requested that the word “Prepare” at the beginning of Program 3.1 be <br />changed to “Continue work on” to indicate that work has been started and then stopped <br />due to the Bernal Property tasks. Commissioner Pearce clarified that work has not been <br />started on this Specific Plan. Ms. Stern clarified that future work on the East Pleasanton <br />Specific Plan will not be bound by any previous efforts that have been made in the past; <br />hence, from the planning perspective, it would be starting from square one, and the <br />language should remain “Prepare a Specific Plan….” <br /> <br />Chairperson Fox requested that “residents” be added after “property owners” under <br />Program 3.1. Commissioner Narum noted that “Pleasanton community” includes the <br />residents; Commissioner Pearce stated that “residents” refers to a specific area as <br />opposed to the entire general community; she would like to ensure that both commercial <br />and residential owners are involved and have a voice. <br />? <br /> <br />Ensure that both residential and commercial property owners are included in <br />Program 3.1. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor inquired what “related planning ordinances” under Program 5.1 <br />refers to. Ms. Stern replied that the City has a number of ordinances other than the <br />zoning ordinance that relate to development such as the nuisance ordinance and building <br />codes which are enforced to create a healthy community. <br /> <br />Page 2-27 <br /> <br />In response to Chairperson Fox’s inquiry if Program 1.3 was removed or moved to <br />another section, Ms. Stern replied that it was removed as it refers to public amenities and <br />to avoid confusion with density bonus which is related to affordable housing. She added <br />that a new Policy 8 addresses how residential density is to be determined and how <br />development can be approved at higher densities by using amenities. <br /> <br />In response to Chairperson Fox’s request for an explanation of Program 7.2, Ms. Stern <br />stated that this text, which was previously in the Background text and moved forward <br />because it is clearly a policy/program, basically states that a Rural Density designation, <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 25, 2007 Page 21 of 35 <br /> <br /> <br />