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Other components of the Project drainage system will be designed and <br />operated in compliance with City of Pleasanton standards, and the <br />Department of Public Works will review grading and drainage plans to <br />assure compliance.. <br />• Projects within the Specific Plan area that might generate pollutants to <br />groundwater (roadways, parking lots) must provide for pretreatment <br />before runoff is released to the detention basins. <br />All Specific Plan projects covered by Provision C.3.f of the County <br />NPDES Permit shall fully comply with permit requirements. <br />Specific Plan, pp. 66-67; DEIR, p. 158; Responses to Comments, p. 30. <br />2. Potential impacts on solid waste generation and management. <br />Findin .The City finds that management of solid waste on the site and provisions for <br />accommodation of solid waste off the site would mitigate potential solid <br />waste impacts to the less-than-significant level: <br />• Recycling shall be implemented at all special events and venues that host <br />over 300 people at the proposed cultural arts center, the sports fields, and <br />the amphitheater. <br />The current capacity of the landfill serving Pleasanton is sufficient to <br />serve the needs of the City for approximately 10 years. By the end of that <br />time period, the available capacity is expected to be expanded. <br />DEIR, p. 159. <br />STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br />This statement of overriding considerations presents the City's determination that the <br />proposed Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan/Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Project's broader public and environmental objectives outweigh the anticipated <br />significant and unavoidable environmental impacts of the Project, as identified in the <br />previous section and the EIR. <br />Significant and Unavoidable Environmental Impacts of the Proaosed Proiect <br />The previous section and the EIR identify the following significant and unavoidable <br />impacts of the proposed Project: <br />Agriculture -Conversion of agricultural lands on the site to urban and <br />other non-agricultural uses, together with other such conversions in <br />Alameda County, would be an unavoidable cumulative adverse impact. <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 22 of 24 <br />