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For these reasons, the Project, Alternative 1, and Alternative 2 may equally be seen as <br />environmentally superior alternatives. <br />FINDINGS FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL <br />IMPACTS IDENTIFIED IN THE EIR <br />This section presents the Project's significant environmental impacts and feasible <br />mitigation measures. Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code <br />of Regulations [CCR]) and Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code require a lead <br />agency to adopt findings for each significant environmental impact disclosed in an EIR. <br />These requirements are set forth on page 1 of this document. <br />Below are the findings for the significant impacts identified in the EIR for the proposed <br />Project. Thorough descriptions of each impact are provided in the EIR and, therefore, are <br />not repeated below. <br />Aesthetic and Visual Resources <br />1. Effect on scenic vistas <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Landscaping along Bernal Avenue and I-680 shall be designed to preserve <br />views by limiting tree size and creating gaps that frame distant views. <br />• Visual screening of views toward the southeast hills and Pleasanton Ridge <br />in the area within 800 feet of Bernal Avenue west of the Phase I <br />residential neighborhood shall be minimized by limitation on building <br />location and height and by selection, placement, and maintenance of <br />appropriate landscaping. <br />• Views of Pleasanton Ridge from I-680 shall be retained through <br />appropriate design and maintenance of landscaping on top of berms. <br />Specific Plan, pp. 30 and 79; DEIR, p. 44 <br />2. Effect on scenic resources and visual character of the site <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Riparian vegetation and rock outcroppings along the Arroyo de la Laguna <br />shall be protected to the extent consistent with regional flood control <br />objectives. <br />• The Knoll open space area, along with its existing valley oak trees, shall <br />be retained. <br />6ernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Yark Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 10 of 24 <br />