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Alternative 3: No Proiect <br />Description <br />An EIR is required to consider a "no project" alternative. In the case of the Phase II <br />Specific Plan for the Bernal Property, the no project alternative does not equate to a lack <br />of development in the Specific Plan area, but to development in accordance with the <br />previous plan for the area: the Bernal Property Phase I Specific Plan, which provided <br />initial land use designations for Phase II lands. The Phase I land use designations were <br />similaz to those of Phase II with two exceptions: <br />Golf: In the Western Area, the lands in Phase II sub-areas I 1 through 16 that are <br />designated for open space and other public uses are designated for <br />"Potential Golf Course" in the Phase I land use diagram. <br />Residential: In the Central Area, lands in Phase II sub-area 3 and part of sub-area 6 that <br />aze designated for open space are designated for "Optional Residential" in <br />the Phase I land use diagram. <br />Finding: Infeasible <br />The City finds that it is infeasible to implement Alternative 3 because, subsequent to the <br />adoption of the Bernal Property Phase I Specific Plan, the possibility of adopting a plan <br />for the Phase II Specific Plan area that incorporates either golf or residential use or both <br />has been impeded or eliminated by subsequent events: <br />Golf: Pleasanton has developed a municipal golf course in the Happy Valley area <br />that opened for play in 2005. As a consequence of the decision to proceed <br />with that course, the importance of golf on the Bernal Property diminished <br />and direction given by the City Council, City commissions and citizen task <br />forces became more focused on other kinds of public uses. <br />Residential: Measure V (citizens' initiative, November 2002; see Draft Specific Plan <br />Appendix 1) mandates the permanent retention of the Bernal Property <br />Phase II planning area under ownership by the City of Pleasanton and <br />prohibits constmction of housing within the 318-acre azea. <br />A no project alternative would return the site to the planning direction given in the Bernal <br />Property Phase I Specific Plan. That planning direction was incomplete with respect to <br />the Phase II lands. In addition, public initiatives and other City actions since the adoption <br />of the Phase I Specific Plan in 2000 have created significant barriers to the implementa- <br />tion of some of the uses contemplated by the Phase I Specific Plan. Alternative 3 is, <br />therefore, concluded to be infeasible. <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 8 of 24 <br />