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e. No equipment or temporary structures shall be placed within or beneath the dripline <br />of the existing tree. <br />Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a stop-work order. <br />30. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City, approved by the City Attorney, <br />which guarantees that all landscaping installed as part of this project, including <br />landscaping in the City right-of-way along the site's Division Street street frontage, will <br />be maintained at all times in a manner consistent with the approved landscape plan for <br />this development. Said agreement shall run with the land for the duration of the existence <br />of the structures located on the property. <br />31. At no time shall balloons, banners, pennants, or other attention-getting devices be utilized <br />on the site except as allowed by Sections 18.74.130 and 18.96.060K of the Zoning <br />Ordinance for grand openings or by Section 18.116.040 of the Zoning Ordinance if <br />approved by temporary conditional use permit as part of a decorating plan in conjunction <br />with Downtown/Main Street promotional events. At no time shall spot lighting be used <br />after 10:00 PM in conjunction with such grand openings and/or promotional events. <br />32. All construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday <br />through Saturday. In addition, no construction shall be allowed on Federal Holidays. <br />The Planning Director may allow earlier "start-times" for specific construction activities <br />(e.g., concrete-foundation/floor-pouring), if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of <br />the Planning Director that the construction and construction traffic noise will not affect <br />nearby residents or businesses. All construction equipment must meet Department of <br />Motor Vehicles (DMV) noise standards and shall be equipped with muffling devices. <br />33. The applicant shall provide a construction management plan with the building permit <br />plan set for review and approval by the Planning Director and Chief Building Official <br />before issuance of a building permit. The construction management plan shall show the <br />proposed location of materials and equipment storage, scaffolding, safety measures to <br />protect the public from construction activities, parking of construction vehicles, location <br />of portable toilets, etc. Said plan shall be designed to minimize the loss of public parking <br />spaces and, if any need to be lost, to minimize the length of the time they are used for <br />construction-related activities. <br />34. At no time shall the delivery of construction material, parking of construction vehicles, or <br />storage of construction material impede the flow of traffic on Main Street or Division <br />Street unless temporary and approved by the City Engineer. <br />35. A construction trailer shall be allowed to be placed on the project site for daily <br />administration/coordination purposes during the construction period. At no time shall <br />campers, trailers, motor homes, or any other vehicle be used as living or sleeping quarters <br />on the construction site. All such vehicles shall be removed from the site at the end of <br />each workday. <br />