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Review of the project was concurrent with the Draft Environmental Impact Report which <br />identified several environmental impacts and their significance for the 98-unit plan. Staff <br />communicated to the applicant what the significant environmental concerns were and <br />recommended a collaborative process to engage City staff, the neighbors, and the <br />applicant to determine if an alternate plan could be designed which would address the <br />environmental impacts of the proposed development to the existing habitat, open space, <br />trees, wetland, as well as the visual impacts of the locations of the proposed homes. <br />During this review, the applicant submitted building and landscape design guidelines to <br />address the development of the individual lots and of the surrounding open space area. <br />Through this process, an environmentally preferred plan has been created that is before <br />the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. This plan <br />is identified in the DEIR as Alternative 4. <br />Environmentally Preferred Plan/DEIR Alternative Number 4 <br />The collaborative. process developed a preferred alternative plan, which reduced the <br />previously proposed from 98 units to 51 units. The 51-unit development plan will be <br />referred to as the Oak Grove development plan, development, or project, and is <br />proposed to develop t66 acres for custom homes and offer the remaining 496 acres as <br />open space to the City or other public entity. <br />Review Process <br />The proposed project is before the Planning Commission for review and consideration <br />to make a recommendation to the City Council. The DEIR has been reviewed and <br />considered by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is responsible to <br />review the FEIR and then recommend to the City Council whether or not the FEIR <br />should be certified as complete in accordance with CEQA guidelines and processes. <br />The Planning Commission will also be considering the merits of the environmentally <br />preferred alternative noted above as the 51-unit development plan, Alternative 4, and <br />making a recommendation to the City Council whether that development plan should be <br />approved. Below is a detailed analysis of that project. <br />II. SUBJECT PROPERTY <br />Project Location <br />The Lin property consists of one parcel totaling approximately 562 acres in area located <br />at the end of Hearst Drive. An aerial photograph/location map, Figure 1 on the following <br />page, is of the site and surrounding area. <br />PUD-33 Page 4 of 59 June 13, 2007 <br />