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IV GOALS AND TIMETABLES <br /> <br />The City's long-range goal is to increase the proportion of women <br />and minorities in each job group to reflect their availability in <br />the relevant labor market, as identified by the 8-factor <br />availability analysis. <br /> <br />In order to reach this objective, the City's short-term goal is <br />to hire or promote women and minorities at a placement rate that <br />is approximately one and one-half to two times their availability <br />in each job group in which they are underutilized. <br /> <br />These long-range and short-term goals also apply to men <br />underutilized in job groups which traditionally have employed <br />primarily women (e.g., clerical job groups). <br /> <br />The established placement rates of approximately 1-1/2 to 2 times <br />the availability figures are not quotas that must be met. <br />Rather, they are targets or guideposts. Placement rates have not <br />been established in a manner to exclude or tend to exclude, <br />impede the employment interests of, or grant specific <br />preferences to any sex, race, or ethnic group. Placement rates <br />have not been established for groups underutilized by less than <br />one person. <br /> <br />Goals, placement rates, and timetables to reach the goals have <br />been established based on the results of the 8-factor <br />availability analyses and the City's projections of employment <br />opportunities expected to occur through expansion or contraction <br />of positions and through turnover. The projections were made for <br />a one-year time period but turnover figures were assumed to <br />reoccur each year in order to identify the number of years it <br />will take to reach each goal. Projections of employment <br />opportunities are found in Appendix C. <br /> <br />By multiplying each established placement rate for women or <br />minorities by the number of employment opportunities expected in <br />a job group, an identification is made of the number of each <br />group who can be hired or promoted into a job group during the <br />coming year. By assuming the same amount of turnover will occur <br />in each successive year and by again applying the placement rate <br />each year to the turnover figure, an estimate can be made of the <br />long-range goal. The timetable is given as a range of years <br />because in most cases not all placements are "net gains." It <br />must be assumed some of the turnover which creates the employment <br />opportunities is from women or minorities leaving city <br />employment, and not solely White males. <br /> <br />LHM/kh (kaffirm) <br />9/s7 <br /> <br /> <br />