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<br />businesses and ways to keep them in the city and prosperous. She had not heard <br />anything further and asked if that was still a viable process? <br /> <br />Pamela Ott said she and several organizations are working on that. It takes baby <br />steps. There are many partnerships being considered including the Tri-Valley <br />Technology Enterprise Center and Valley Care about creating opportunities for small <br />incubator space. They are pursuing that in bits and pieces along with other network <br />opportunities. <br /> <br />Mr. Brozosky referred to bio-med and how to create incubator space for <br />businesses in that field. <br /> <br />Cindy McGovern appreciated the report by Bay Area Economics. She asked <br />why the consultants used the ABAG regional needs numbers (32,180) instead of <br />Pleasanton's housing cap (29,OOO)? <br /> <br />Mr. Stern said it was used to maintain consistency, since they were also relying <br />on ABAG for the jobs projections. There were caveats in the text saying this is what <br />ABAG projects for Pleasanton, but not necessarily what will happen. <br /> <br />Ms. McGovern said she would like to see projections based on the housing cap, <br />but understood why the consultants used the numbers they did. She then referred to <br />the economic fiscal goals, policies and programs for the General Plan. She submitted <br />22 questions to the City Manager; such as what is the city's bond rating; does the city <br />have a percentage reserve based on the debt ration, etc. She referred to Policy 1, <br />Program 1.1, and wished to keep the last section of the program ("identify needs and <br />constraints to current business operations and to acknowledge the contributions and <br />importance of existing business"). She said she could not find that in the current policy <br />and felt it was important to keep that policy for recognizing the contributions of <br />businesses in the community. When she compared this to the 1996 General Plan, she <br />noticed the word "established" was used frequently and felt many of those things had <br />been done. As an example, in Program 9.2 or 9.3 it states, "establish reserves". Those <br />have been done and she felt the programs should be reviewed for wherever it says to <br />establish and if those things have been done, then change the wording to say, "maintain <br />and implement" thereby recognizing the work done since 1996. Under Policy C, which <br />says ''focus city efforts on making Pleasanton businesses successful." She did not think <br />the city can make businesses successful, but she thought the wording could say ''focus <br />city efforts on supporting and assisting Pleasanton businesses to be successful." The <br />business has to make itself successful, but the city can assist and support those <br />endeavors. She believed Goal 2 should be maintained, which is "to capitalize on the <br />use of the city's existing public facilities and to develop additional revenue generating <br />public facilities." Perhaps that should be put in the General Plan under public facilities <br />so that concept is not lost. She then referred to Program 4.2 under old Goal 3, it says <br />investigate potential new revenue sources particularly those which will not add to the tax <br />burden of residents or local businesses. She asked for an example or list of those <br /> <br />Joint Workshop <br />City Council/Economic Vitality <br />Committee <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />02/28/06 <br />