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Mr. Sullivan said yes. He believed the Vision Statement should capture and define the <br />--- end result of the City towards build out. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky believed a vision statement should have been considered and prepared <br /> first prior to soliciting community input on the various elements of the General Plan. If the <br /> various elements of the General Plan do not meet the Vision Statement, he asked if the <br /> community needed to be given the opportunity to provide input and suggestions for change <br /> based on the new Vision Statement. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sullivan noted that he was not a member of the Council at the time the General Plan <br /> process started. He noted that Council has an opportunity to create a vision statement that <br /> would define the end result and the "big ideas" that would guide the update process. He did not <br /> believe the proposed work plan and schedule for a vision statement would disrupt the update <br /> process for the General Plan. He wanted to allow the public the opportunity to provide input on <br /> a draft vision and principles statement. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Ms. McGovern, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, to present the draft <br /> Vision Statement ee amended by the Planning Commission (Attachment 1) and the <br /> proposed Vision Statement as submitted by Councilmember McGovern to the community <br /> for its review, comments and public outreach effort. At the conclusion of the Town <br /> Meetings, staff was directed to bring the matter back to Council at a regular meeting. <br /> <br /> Ms. McGevern believed a vision statement drives the entire General Plan process and <br /> connects all of the various elements of the General Plan. She believed the General Plan is one <br /> of the most important documents of the City and it provides stability to the community to know <br /> what the City and the community is working towards. <br /> <br /> In response to an inquiry by Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Fialho thought it would be appropriate to <br /> distribute the two proposed draft Vision Statements at the Farmers Market in addition to posting <br /> these on the City's website and publishing them in the Pleasanton Weekly. Staff would work on <br /> outreach efforts without impacting the schedule. <br /> <br /> Ms. McGovern noted that there are active homeowners associations in the community. <br /> She asked staff to provide the two draft Vision Statements to the Homeowners Associations. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sullivan pointed out that ultimately whatever vision statement is selected, it would be <br /> in draft format and subject to change throughout the entire General Plan update process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked when the community workshop would be conducted. He asked staff <br /> to send a letter along with the two proposed draft Vision Statements to residents who had <br /> participated in community meetings at the beginning of the General Plan Update process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fialho believed a community workshop would be conducted in May or the first part of <br /> June with the final draft Vision Statement presented to Council for its consideration and <br /> adoption in July. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky stated that he would reluctantly support the motion. <br /> <br /> Pleasanton City Council 8 05/03/05 <br /> Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />