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Services reflects these as expenditures at the end of the four-year period, it is allowed to <br />cover these expenditures through the rate base, which is how the agreement is set up. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico asked if an outside audit fu'm audits Pleasanton Garbage Services? <br /> <br /> Mr. Fialho said Pleasanton Garbage gervices is audited annually and the City <br />knows the actual medical costs. It is then up to the City to do the analysis and deternrine <br />whether the costs will be passed on to the ratepayers. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala mentioned that private businesses are having employees incur more of <br />the medical costs. <br /> <br /> Because Pleasanton Garbage Services is a private company, and given the way in <br />which the contract is set up, Mr. Fialho said that the City as an agency cannot dictate to <br />Pleasanton Garbage Services what portion is employer paid and what portion paid is <br />employee paid. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that the only incentive that Pleasanton Garbage <br />Services has to keep the medical costs down is to have these expenses come from the 8 <br />percent return on equity to the 16 percent. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked what the percentage decrease was for workers compensation <br />expenses that were factored into the overall rate increase? <br /> <br /> Mr. Hutchinson said that the percentage decrease for workers compensation was a <br />minor adjustment of two percent. <br /> <br /> In response to an inquiry by Mr. Brozosky, Mr. Hutchinson said that revenues <br />could decline by types of changes in service if residents were more cautious in recycling <br />and using less garbage capacity. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fialho pointed out that there are several commemial/office and industrial <br />buildings that are not occupied, which have an effect on Pleasanton Garbage Services' <br />cash flow, which is one way in projecting for that decrease. He then reviewed the rate <br />survey of jurisdictions in Alameda County. Staff found that with about a 12 pement <br />increase on top of the current rate, the City of Pleasanton would continue to be with its <br />existing standard 90-gallon container service in the middle of the pack on rates; not the <br />lowest but not the highest for residential rates. Many of the lower rate communities only <br />have a 30-gallon container service. He pointed out that the City of Pleasanton has a co- <br />mingled recycling system and provides the most gallons per community. By Pleasanton <br />Garbage Services policy, the City has historically subsidized the residential rates with <br />commemial rates for commercial garbage services. He noted that about two-thirds of the <br />revenue for Pleasanton Garbage Services is collected from the commercial sector; <br />therefore, when commercial rotes are inflated, it has the net affect of holding down the <br />residential rates. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 13 07/20/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />