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bridge, as this is a heavy traffic area. He believed that stepping stones for the middle area <br />of the project is unacceptable, particularly as it related to access for the elderly and <br />advocated for an additional bridge. He expressed his concern with respect to Park <br />security with additional trees and vegetation that would reduce sight visibility into the <br />Park making it difficult for neighbors to report undesirable or unwanted activities within <br />the Park. If the design plans were approved, he requested that the Fire and Police <br />Departments be given the opportunity to provide input and approve the plans relative to <br />the Park's security. <br /> <br /> Art Tenbrink, 4265 Mirador Drive, addressed Council in favor the concept plans <br />and final design plans for the restoration of Kottinger Creek. He believed this was a <br />chance for everyone to work in concert with Mother Nature to restore Kottinger Park. <br /> <br /> Sara Curran, Beth Wilson, Nora Sabhlok, Pat Griffin, the Glavin Family, Rachael <br />Shaffer, and Louis Lutz, 4545 Entrada Court, provided communication to Council in <br />support of approving the design concept for the restoration of Kottinger Creek. <br /> <br /> Louann Tung, representing Friends of the Arroyos in our Valley, provided written <br />communication urging Council to approve the request for concept approval for the <br />restoration of Kottinger Creek. It is to Pleasanton's credit that the City recognizes the <br />importance of creek restoration to its residence and to the critters that live in the area. <br />Friends of Arroyos in the Valley recently completed Granada Native Gardens located one <br />block south of Stanley on Mmrieta in Livermore. <br /> <br /> Jill Moore provided written communication to Council. She was pleased with the <br />plans to improve and enhance Kottinger Community Park. She liked each of the <br />proposed plans with the exception of the proposal to remove two of the existing <br />footbridges, which she strongly opposed. She has watched the foot traffic on all of the <br />bridges and believed that all three of the bridges need to remain in their present location. <br />If any are removed or replaced with stones nearer the water, many people will no longer <br />be able to cross the creek and will not be able to make use of the Park. If this is truly a <br />public park, it must be easily accessible to everyone. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico closed the public testimony. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Ms. Hosterman, seconded by Ms. Ayala, to approve the <br />concept plans for Kotfinger Creek's Restoration, authorize staff to proceed with <br />final design plans, direct staff to seek final design plan approval from the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission prior to City Council approval of final plans, and to include <br />an alternative to the concept plan for a bridge instead of the stepping stones for the <br />area located below the existing concrete stairs as shown in Section E of the <br />Kottinger Creek Master Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala was hopeful that the Parks and Recreation Commission would address <br />all of the issues that were mentioned this evening. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 11 07/20/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />