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Ms. Ayala noted that the City of Pleasanton has been extremely conservative in <br />budgeting for the increase in the PERS rates. She did not have a problem with the City, <br />but with the PERS system as a whole. She believed that the retirement benefits people <br />are receiving are excessive. She also pointed out that people are retiring at a younger <br />age. She noted that the medical tables are showing that people are living longer and that <br />the excessive amount of medical costs in the last few years make up about 60 percent of <br />the medical costs, which is another cost that agencies are carrying. She believed that <br />eventually, these excessive costs will catch up with public agencies. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan noted that staff focuses on trying to ensure that it can <br />conservatively and as realistically as it can manage the City's money. She pointed out <br />that the City is able to move $5 million dollars annually to the Capital Improvement <br />Program because staff budgets very conservatively. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala referred to page 27 of the Operating Budget, which shows the Retirees <br />Medical Reserve Fund at $19 million dollars. She asked staff to provide an explanation <br />as to what this amount reflects and what the City is predicting due to what is occurring <br />with medical costs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rossi noted that the $19 million dollars represents a fully funded liability on <br />a current basis as it is accrued. Staff took advantage of the time period at which the City <br />was paying zero PERS rates by taking some of the savings and paying down the City's <br />liability, which came close to funding at 100 percent. The City is currently undergoing <br />an actuarial rate update and that number may change and is likely to increase because of <br />the current low imerest rate earnings. The City has met its earning objectives, and staff <br />will then be evaluating the medical costs. <br /> <br />Ms. Rossi continued her presentation on the 2004-05 Midterm Operating Budget. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman asked if there was a preclusion included in the LOCAL Initiative that <br />would prohibit the State from being able to swap sales tax with property tax? <br /> <br />Ms. Rossi said yes but it is still being negotiated. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky noted that there was a strong statement made with respect to the <br />Temporary Recession Reserve, as noted on page 18 of the 2003-04/2004-05 Midterm <br />Budget, which concerned him. The statement made was that the skyrocketing housing <br />market will inevitably face a correction. The possibility of falling housing prices, <br />combined with continued commercial vacancies, could result in property reassessments <br />that adversely impact the City's revenue. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rossi said that this is a normal cycle and, ultimately, there will be some <br />correction in housing costs. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 21 06/15/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />