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additional stop signs at Touriga Drive and traffic circles at Madeira Drive and Vintner <br />Way. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico closed the public testimony. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked if a driver would feel the speed lumps if it the vehicle was <br />traveling at the speed of 25 mph? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said that a vehicle driver traveling at the rate of 23 to 25 mph over a <br />speed lump would feel it but it would be a smooth rolling motion and there would be no <br />need to jam on the brakes to drive slower. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked why the speed lumps are being modified to accommodate the <br />fire trucks. He wanted to know how fast these vehicles typically travel down Crellin <br />Road. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said that the reason for the modification to the speed lumps for fire <br />trucks is because of the way the equipment is carried, and to avoid abuse to the structure <br />of the tracks. <br /> <br /> By modifying the speed lumps to accommodate fn:e trucks, Mr. Brozosky asked if <br />the response times for ambulances would be reduced? <br /> <br /> Stewart Gary, Fire Chief, sympathized with the residems of Crellin Road. Over <br />the years, he has had to deny the installation of speed humps because they are excessively <br />hard on fire apparatus and emergency equipment response times. In his opinion, speed <br />lumps actually work. The Fire, Department was consulted on the use of these devices and <br />conducted a preliminary review in the City of Fremont where he was able to test drive <br />several speed lumps installed on that City's streets. He drove through the split without <br />any impairment to the vehicle or to the response times. He said that fire trucks were <br />never designed to go over a vertical deflection object and settle back down again. Mr. <br />Knowles is correct in stating that the history of speed humps in other City has damaged <br />fire apparatus, and has even caused minor injuries to firefighters as the fire engine <br />becomes slightly airborne as a results of the engineer miscalculating the speed and rolling <br />over the bump. He was very pleased with the performance of the fire apparatus through <br />the City of Fremont split lumps. He mentioned that paramedics are on all of the fire <br />engines. The Fire Department is the first line responder to an incident, and the <br />paramedics immediately start advanced medical intervention. Therefore, it is no longer <br />necessary for the ambulance to come into a neighborhood at a high rate of speed or leave <br />at a high rate of speed to reach the hospital. Secondly, the ambulance can line up and use <br />one of the two splits for half of its tires. An ambulance can choose to roll over the speed <br />lump at 25 mph or less, or the ambulance may put one wheel into one of the two splits to <br />use during transition. He pointed out the location of Fire Station One, which is located <br />immediately near the Crellin Road neighborhood. He did not believe there would any <br />life safety impact to the citizens by trying this Pilot Study. This is the first fire <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 12 05/18/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />