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applicant is concerned with many pollutants, but she believed they singled out particulate <br />matter with most of the fine particulate coming from the road dust caused by vehicles. <br />With the proposed BMX site and because of the gravel quarries surrounding the site, the <br />highway will only get busier. She was concerned about carbon monoxide emissions and <br />pointed out that this proposed water park would have four stacking lanes of idling <br />vehicles on busy days. Studies show that diesel exhaust matter concentrations are much <br />higher near heavily traveled highway intersections. District analysis shows that exposure <br />to cancer diesel exhaust is most much higher than the risk associated with any other <br />toxin pollution. Incidents impacting air quality standards for ozone are primarily on hot, <br />sunny afternoons, which is when the water park would have the greatest number of <br />children and vehicles coming to the park. The Bay Area Quality District Environmental <br />planners have said that the District likes to see the worst case scenarios evaluated for air <br />pollution. The Bay Area Quality District does not take averages and wants to examine <br />the busiest holiday day. To be in line with the City's General Plan, she believed the City <br />should review this proposed project for the potential to impact air quality conditions, <br />which she believed was not done. <br /> <br /> Pat Smith, 2942 Liberty Drive, a member of the No Water organization, <br />voiced her opposition to the expansion of the water slides at Shadow Cliffs Regional <br />Park. She also addressed how the expansion might affect Pleasanton's property values. <br />She mentioned that she has been employed in the real estate industry for over 20 years. <br />She is a current administrator of a professional organization made up of over 1,000 real <br />estate agents throughout northern Califomia who hold the certified residential specialist <br />designation. She was informed by the one of the developer's representatives that its real <br />estate sources showed that in areas around water parks, real estate prices have gone up, <br />specifically around Raging Water Park in San Jose. After consulting with her peer <br />experts, they all confirmed that reaiisticaily, no one could say with 100 percent certainty <br />that the property values around a water park have increased or decreased because of its <br />proximity to the park. The tree issue is the relative value of these houses versus other <br />houses in the City, and eventually, its relative selling price versus other houses. <br />Currently Tri-Valley property values are extremely favorable for sellers, hut in the future <br />when the housing market cools down and there is more competition for homes, issues <br />such as traffic, noise, location, crime, and price becomes very important. The most <br />important factor that buyers consider when purchasing a home is location. If a home is <br />negatively impacted by traffic, crime and/or noise the water park, a property owner <br />is legally required to disclose that information to all potential buyers. The real estate <br />agent representing the seller and buyer must also complete related sections and disclose <br />any negative information they are personally aware of to all perspective buyers. She <br />asked how many property owners would support the water park expansion knowing they <br />along with a real estate agent are required to disclose negative traffic, noise and crime <br />issues when selling their homes? All of the real estate agents she spoke with agreed that <br />homes with negative information on disclosure statements are more difficult to market <br />and sell, particularly when competing with similar homes that do not have the same <br />issues. When a buyer is trying to decide between two homes and all other things are <br />equal, the home with certain types of disclosure issues would probably lose. As a former <br />real estate agent, she believed that in most instances, the only way to overcome these <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 29 03/16/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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