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Vineyard Avenue and be sensitive to speed. The signals will be set so that ifa driver is <br />speeding on Vineyard Avenue, the light will mm red as the driver approaches the signal. <br /> <br />Ms. Madnick asked why a stop sign was not placed at Ruby Hill Drive? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles reported that developer was conditioned to build a traffic signal at <br />such time as the intersection met State warrants. Staffis still involved in discussions as <br />to whether the City should constrain and/or meter that intersection. He believed a traffic <br />signal provided the greatest flexibility. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mad_nick stated that she and her neighbors would be pleased to see the traffic <br />light at green during offpeak hours. <br /> <br /> A1 Zimmcrman, a Pleasanton resident, provided written communication to <br />Council indicating his support for the traffic metering during peak hours if it reduces <br />Vineyard Avenue traffic. He questioned the judgment to unnecessarily delay and annoy <br />Pleasanton motorists during lightly traveled hours. He believed that during non-peak <br />hours, the focus should be on Pleasanton motorists and less on non-Pleasanton motorists. <br />He believed staff should be asked to measure how much traffic on Vineyard Avenue <br />during non peak hours is being reduced, and to justify why the light must be set to stop <br />traffic on Vineyard Avenue during lightly traveled hours. He also believed staff should <br />be asked why the light needed to be red in both directions if traffic is primarily flowing in <br />one direction during peak hours. He believed there was no other traffic signal in <br />Pleasanton that was as annoying and unfair as this one. <br /> <br /> Mark Posson, 3036 Chardonnay Drive, provided written communication to <br />Council requesting that he supports staff's recommendation and any changes in traffic <br />signal times at Vineyard Avenue and Ruby Hill Drive should be postponed until May <br />2004. He believed the signal timing had been instrumental in traffic calming on <br />Vineyard Avenue, and believed any change in the metering at this time would only <br />increase traffic and neighborhood noise. Evaluation after the Vineyard realignment <br />would allow staffto evaluate all measures in place and be available to properly control <br />traffic. <br /> <br /> Jim and Linda Schwartz, 2929 Amoroso Court, provided written communication <br />to Council requesting that the traffic signal be changed to reflect the actual traffic pattern <br />on Vineyard Avenue, as well as the time of day. <br /> <br /> Eugene Franck, a Pleasanton resident, provided written communication to <br />Council stating his concern with the City's traffic strategy regarding Vineyard Avenue. <br />He mentioned that he lives on Montevino Drive and believes the traffic signal is very <br />inconvenient as he often takes this ronte. He is waiting to see if the activation of the <br />traffic signal at Montevino will be kept at a consistent strategy. He would expect a <br />metered, red light for traffic flow on Vineyard Avenue. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 24 01/20/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />